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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Judy Bogan
Comment Date: 18:08 on Mar 27 2017
Comment: I have loved Sandy Patti's music since I first heard her when she first got started in the Christian music field. She has a God-given talent and a beautiful voice. Do not let her personal life interfere with that. They are not the same. Her voice will still be beautiful and God-given and only HE can take that away from her. None of us, not even the writer of this article, are perfect and will not be til we reach Heaven. He mentioned Amy Grant. Well, yes, she divorced her husband and married Vince Gill, who also divorced his wife. They are both still going strong in their own right. And none of us ever knows what goes on behind closed doors. I never got married only to get divorced, but after 4 children and 12 years of marriage, something devistating happened in our lives and it just "could not be fixed" hence, a divorce took place. None of us have a right to judge anyone because "by the Grace of God, there go you". This wonderful, talented lady has been married to her present husband for 22 years. Give it a break people and if you still love her and her singing, support her -- and that includes the Christian music stations out there. Support her!!
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