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Article Title: Jon Linn Killed
Author of reported comment: Rob Goerlitz
Comment Date: 20:57 on Apr 19 2017
Comment: I'm met John back in 1969 and through another friend Larry we both knew we started a band. We used to practice at my house and I remember those days so so fondly. We actually only played one gig and it was a blast. John was the most amazing guitar player I had ever seen at the young age of just 16 or 17 he was playing things that the best guitar players on the radio we're playing. And as a person I don't think I've ever met anybody more humble or selfless then John. Years later I ran into one of the guys we used to play with Steve Kara up in Frazier Park where we both lived and we talked about John and I wondered how he was doing. When I found out what had happened to him I was shocked and so sad he was just too good of a person to have this happen to him and this world was such a better place with him in it. I miss you John. We had so many coincidences between us. Such as finding out that we both were living just blocks from each other in Tucson Arizona when we were going to elementary school but didn't know each other. Then when you and I had stopped seeing each other I met Laura who later on I find out used to live in back of you and you and her grew up together as kids after you move to California as I move to California as well. Years later all of us got together and shared all of this crazy coincidence. I still have an 8 millimeter movie of you and I and Steve and that girl friend of yours who I can't remember her name but she had a cool Mustang and we had a picnic out by Newhall and I have movies of you playing guitar sitting on a picnic table. I could go on and on but I'll stop I miss you God bless you wherever you are may you be as happy as the happiness you gave so many.
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