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Article Title: Alleluia! A Praise Gathering For Believers
Author of reported comment: George Williams
Comment Date: 12:25 on May 23 2017
Comment: Amazing when a reviewer writes in a void! You still know so little!! This musical changed the landscape of modern worship music unlike any other piece. It produced style and experiential meaning to virtually the entire church world. I was blessed to be at its premier in Dallas in 1972, then because my job covered a 9-state area, I watched the impact of this project jump virtually every barrier. The recorded project was produced as a low-budget choral listening product to promote the sales of the SATB choral book. For a choral recording, made as a demonstration recording to help choirs learn the music, to achieve platinum status is nothing short of a miracle!! The genius was a collaboration of: the Gaithers, Ron Huff and Bob McKenzie as producers/arrangers and Bob Benson, as the "pastor" and spiritual writer to the group. All four contributed to this miracle. This musical was a force that greatly contributed to the explosive spiritual awakening of the 70s.
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