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Article Title: Smith Finds Freedom
Author of reported comment: Carol Ann
Comment Date: 07:35 on Oct 9 2017
Comment: I'm baaaaaaack! Y("o")/'` HA! Anyway, ... My name truly is Carol Ann. Have you ever Googled your name for music? I was surprised to find not only one but 4 or 5 songs titled Carol Ann (Not just Carol) There's even one called "The Ghost of Carol Ann" which I double dog dared my survivors to play at my funeral. I'm a comedian, ... we have different rules about such things. If you can't tell whether or not I'm kidding, .... neither can my friends. Seriously now, although I am a comic, I am a very serious lover of music. I live and grew up here in Austin, the live music capital of the world. For me, music is a food group, ... an important one, too. I can go for a week without steak. I don't like it but, I can do it. Music is vital. I just heard "Carol Ann" by Michael W. Smith What an extraordinary piece, quite moving. It made my heart soar and my goosebumps ache! I had to know more and, thanks to the internet, now I do. Suffice it to say, I am now an avid admirer of your work, Sir. I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend. I imagine your Carol Ann must be so very pleased to see how you've taken your heartache and turned it to something so beautiful. The love and friendship you shared, forever cast in musical immortality. How blessed are you that you get to do something with your life that touches people in such a profound and positive way and how fortunate are we that you choose to do it. Thank you, Mr Smith
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