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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Godffrey Warui
Comment Date: 15:03 on Jun 25 2018
Comment: In the few years I have in salvation, it has dawned to me that the devil is nothing but a liar. He always target the most anointed servants of the Lord and if at all Christians around the world would realize so, then they'd realize that this is the best moment to become a serious Christian and stop mixing themselves from this delusion of modernism and be born again proper. There is nothing difficult to re-establish or restore the previous relationship you once had with God before falling into sin in this world. It calls for humility, accept that you have fallen, persistent battle in repentance and prayers and endurance and finally submit yourself fully to the will of the Lord. I truly trust and believe in the Lord's own words in his parable of the unjust judge that if we keep on persistently knocking the door, the Lord will finally open the door for us. May the Lord help us to overcome the current great spiritual assaults by the enemy the devil.
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