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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Tom
Comment Date: 16:19 on Jul 17 2018
Comment: Greetings, Terry!! I am a Man who was abused horrifically as an adolescent & teenager, by My Dad.This, coupled with, albino looks from My families various heritages.Thus, although My Mom took Me to good Word-Churches, I Kept backsliding from these rejections & hurts from family & classmates!Finally, at 23, I began having seizures & had to have major brain-surgery, when I was given the threat of brain-tumor!Long-story, short, thru Jesus' intervention, My Dr.'s could-not find anything but scar-tissue on My brain, Glory to Jesus! I then happened upon Your 1st 2 CD's in a bookstore, one-day.And, upon hearing themm, it brought tears to My eye's, to hear the most affectionate & personably-loving song-lyric's, sung to Our Lord, that I had EVER heard in My life!!Upon recommitting 100% of My Heart, Soul & Strength to My LORD-JESUS, I began dieting & exercising, the way that GOD commanded Israel to, in the old-testament.And, within 1 year, I went from 254lb.'s, down to My present-weight of 175lb.'s!!And, am walking totally seizure-free, Praise JESUS!! I have now put off My OLD carnal, sinful backslidings, in the FULL!!Glory to JESUS!! I praise JESUS, that Terry has recommitted His heart & soul to Jesus, as-well!!
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