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Article Title: Marilla Ness: How a 50 year old housewife became Catholic music's biggest star
Author of reported comment: john peters
Comment Date: 12:26 on Jan 27 2019
Comment: I discovered you entirely by accident.Your " On Holy Ground" dvd included in a bulk lot I bought. Your music was so obviously annointed by the Holy Spirit that I bought more and have given them as presents to others. I wish they were more easily available in New last purchase of On Holy Ground from Pleroma took several months to arrive arrive from the USA. Quite ridiculous I thought.Thank you Brian for your management and support for your wife's talent and obviously great team effort. I am an old time Pentecostal..and an old person of 73 years....but I have always understood there is only one Jesus, one Saviour , one body of grateful believers..whatever their preferred or inherited denomination. Our Lord's commandment that we love one another absolutely MUST overrule all other considerations
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