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Article Title: Janny Grein: Paying tribute to a Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: John Roose
Comment Date: 06:28 on May 28 2019
Comment: I experienced Jannys music and ministry for the first time in1978 or 79 at the City of Light Campmeeting where Janny gave me my first cassette of her music. Covenant Woman. I was addicted. For about two years all I listened to was Janny Grein. After listening to every song she'd brought forth up till then a hundred or more times, it never got old and the touch of God was just as strong the hundredth time as it was the first. Now 40+ years later, nothing has changed. Although she's gone home, her music remains and touches my heart and soul just like it did all those years ago.I thank God for Jammy Grein and all the countless lives she's touched and inspired.
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