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Article Title: Turn It Up (Remix)
Author of reported comment: Greg Hill
Comment Date: 08:46 on Jul 23 2019
Comment: Thanks for the review! The song “Fire the Fire” is a cry for help for those that are struggling with depression and suicide: FIRE THE FIRE V1: you've been told that you're no good, you haven't got a chance. And all the rest they got it made, in every circumstance. Perfect life, and perfect face, and happy all the time. Don't listen to the voices, don't listen to the lies . Chorus: Fire the fire...that burns against the truth. Fire the fire...thats coming after you. Fire the fire...And never doubt you can, And never say never again V2 Man it's getting hot in here, I'm looking for relief. open up a window, that will help me to believe, I know the wall that's in your face, there's help to make it through. So find yourself someone, you don't stop until you do!!! Writen by G. Hill Composed and arranged by CPR 4-26-17
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