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Article Title: Terry MacAlmon: The US-based worship leader
Author of reported comment: Susan Porter
Comment Date: 17:49 on Aug 6 2019
Comment: I was given a CD of your music more than 10 years ago. I am a worship leader. After singing with it for days in the anointing from it, I offered to harmonize with it at church meetings my husband were at as evangelists. I still find this the most angelic, anointed music I have ever heard! I have every CD. You are and have been an absolute blessing to us in our ministry as the presence of heaven - many angels, etc. come down and the prophetic and Seer ministries with mighty miracles have come to pass. My husband cannot sing on tune; but when we sing together, he sings in tongues in beautiful, perfect tune with me. Thank you for coming back! I have never given up! I will always use your music to worship wherever we may go.
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