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Article Title: Rob Ash: Welsh singer songwriter undergirded with 'Blue Steel'
Author of reported comment: Phil James
Comment Date: 18:00 on Sep 12 2019
Comment: Hi Tony, I hope you're already aware and it's not a shock to you (and any readers) but Rob passed away on the 5th March 2019. He'd been diagnosed just a year earlier with an inoperable brain tumour. The last year was spent with hope and dignity and without complaint surrounded by family and friends. He'd stopped playing after the prognosis due to sensory distortions he was experiencing. He was a gem in every sense. First and foremost a best friend; second, a great electric guitarist and band mate; and thirdly, a brilliant engineer and recording artist. He was content to let go of all that he was and all he'd achieved without regret. He knew his final destination was secured in Jesus. I'm currently compiling a compilation of songs he wasn't able to release. (Could be a double CD!) No doubt we'll send it off for the usual CR review. Many thanks.
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