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Article Title: Give Me A Vision
Author of reported comment: don biggerstaff
Comment Date: 04:19 on Jan 4 2020
Comment: I knew of Beverly and Jack Terrell as I was growing up in Fort Worth, TX. I don't know why but I've kept her song "Give Me A Vision" in my mind and heart for about 70 years. I am a minister of music and had the privilege of conducting it with my choir at the Birdville Baptist Church, Haltom City, TX many years ago. I am a poet and have a thought for the day I send to over 100 recipients and would love to have permission to use the lyrics to the song in my thought for the day for I felt it most appropriate to begin the new year Anything you can do to grant me permission to use it will be greatly appreciated! Blessings. Don Biggerstaff
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