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Article Title: World's Midnight
Author of reported comment: Rick Davenport
Comment Date: 08:51 on Nov 25 2022
Comment: First off.. Thank you Tony for this article, I would offend wonder what ever happen to Paradise..their 'World's Midnight' album is always still in my rotation today. Back in the late 80's - early 90's my R/B funk band broke up and there was a few years where i was just songwriting and recording...met this beautiful Godly girl that showed me salvation to the The Most High...and her sister knew I love Earth, Wind & Fire so she give me a cassette of Paradise's 'World's Midnight' album (which I still have)...the rest is history...Oh by the way...I married that beautiful girl..we've been together now going on 40 years...and in the 90's all this lead me and my brother'in law to starting a Music Ministry that we had the best of times and really enjoyed...Thank you Paradise for paving the way.
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