Reader Comments for Christian Trance

These are reader comments for the article 'Christian Trance'

Reader Comments

Posted by soul messiah in savannah,georgia @ 17:13 on May 11 2009

Hey guy,I have been a producer of progreesive house for some years,and yes I have completly givin my life to christ.I will have you know,when I sit down behind the keyboard or stand behind the turntables it is my worship,I trully feel Gods presence when im
producing tracks.Yes, I do attend church regurally.I am 33 and just as many others I have spent alot of time wondering if there will come a day when God would use my talent for something.I feel I am getting closer by the minute,Please join me and lets worship together! the name is not myself claiming to be tha soul messiah, Its the lord that i produce for, so I give him the recognition he deserves (for those who were wondering!) If ya get a chance stop by the site!

Posted by Herbert in Norway @ 10:59 on May 4 2009

Anything *can* suffer from demonic influence. But music is something extremely powerful - it can open many doors in the mind.
There is bad classical music too (I stopped listening to Richard Strauss - not the walse guy, the other), and there is bad trance as well.

Kinddingme in Portland: talk to your pastor about this - it *is* important - to some at least.
I think you are comparing an apple with a pear: music is of a very different substance than say a pair of shoes.
Revelations chapter 4 definately doesn't talk about shoes ;) There's a whole book called "psalms". Music is very connected to worship, and I want it to be clean.

That said, I'd throw away my shoes too if God tells me they're not good for me ;)

For me, not all trance is good for me, and so I figure music made by born again christians stands a better chance.

Posted by Adrian in Ontario @ 20:51 on May 3 2009

Wow, there seems to be a lot of Christian Trance out there but anything specifically Psy?

Posted by Deluxion in LA @ 21:31 on Apr 28 2009

Are u kidding me trance is not demonic

Posted by Tim yoh @ 01:49 on Feb 11 2009

Joy electric is a really good Christian electricana group. look em' up!
hope it helps and bless'!

Posted by DJ DLX in Kansas @ 07:18 on Jan 29 2009

I am a christian trance artist, I'm coming out with some new music very soon.

Posted by RU KIDDINGME in Portland, OR @ 20:22 on Nov 15 2008

Hey kids. There is hope for all of you. If you like trance, or tech/progressive etc, why do you care if the producers are born again or not? Do you think that those who are not born again are trying to seduce you with some sort of "hypnotic" beat in order to gain control of your soul and influence you to the dark side? Do you think there is a conspiracy to introduce seductive spirits to you when you are in an ecstatic state??? Come on now. If you really believe that then you need to also make sure that anything you consume in the world is also made by Christians too. Think about it. When you go to a restaurant do you worry about who made your food. it could have been made by someone who wants you to just relax for one moment of pleasure while you are chewing, so that the demons from the food can attach themselves to you... BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!

Reply by HouseOfPrayer in Atlanta, GA @ 01:41 on Sep 13 2009

I agree with those of you who are cautious of secular dance music. In response to RUKIDDINGME: no, we are not kidding you. Take even a cursory glance at the Bible and you will find that music is a powerful medium for good and bad, and that there is NO GRAY. It's black or white. It's either produced by the Spirit of God, or produced by flesh and demonic spirits. There is no middle ground. Just look at clubs when an unsaved DJ plays. The crowd is worshipping someone, and it ain't God. Look at the last Woodstock and how the music affected the people so tangibly. Even a child can see music affects mood and thoughts, so I suggest you be careful yourself on what you allow in.
As far as Christian Dance Music of Quality... I suggest everyone pray and fast and ask God to break in to the music industry and raise up DJs and producers of superior caliber. Ask and you will receive!

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Reply by @ 18:24 on Jan 6 2009

Yo, I don't think you understand these people. They want trance made by born-again Christians to make sure there is nothing bad or unchristian in it. It doesn't matter who the trance is made by, but it is much more likely to be acceptable to them if it is made by a Christian. Get the jiffy?

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Posted by Mark in Miami @ 02:32 on Oct 5 2008

There is a group called Cortex they mix scripture with some awesome trance/techno sounds.

Posted by Dj Silverstixx in Puerto Rico @ 18:05 on Sep 9 2008

Hey, God Bless everyone.
I've started to make some trully god praising electronic music and have posted it on -

I've understood the true void in real God Exalting electronic music in the industry.

I've loved the music since i was a kid, I am percusionist and programer by way of paying the bills so the mix of technology and music was just a Prayer of direction from God away... and well here it is.

on My site you'll find my first song.

Feel Free to leave comments

One Love One God!!!

Jah Bless!!!

Posted by Julia in USA @ 20:45 on Jul 1 2008

The echoing green -album title is winters of our discontent, is more electronica, but when there is slim pickins this would qualify for any Christian trance type category. Hope you like it.

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