Reader Comments for Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple

These are reader comments for the article 'Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple'

Reader Comments

Posted by Mark in Palm Bay, FL @ 00:20 on Jan 4 2007

This is a great article. Thanks be unto our merciful and forgiving father through the blood of Jesus. Bob is in and better place, and I pray by the Holy Spirit that other rastafarians, and anyone who is not saved, will accept Jesus as their Lord and savior. It's easy for us to profess other so called faiths, but when our backs are against the wall the only name that we call upon is the name of Jesus. God is gathering his people and the world is at a cross road waiting for the return of the true king of Kings and Lords of Lords.

Posted by Dr. James in Orlando Florida @ 04:11 on Dec 23 2006

I do not agree with the idea of making a Rasta cut his or her hair when converting to Christianity. I think we could have won more Rasta to the faith if we did let them cut their hair in their own time.

Reply by Tembeka @ 15:01 on Aug 16 2008

faith has nothing to do with hair as now is the law of Grace which Jesus brought us the good news of.

Render your heart and not your garments. You can keep your locs and still be a Christian or get baptized.

Jesus Christ is the author of our faith, not our hair or clothes or even what we eat. Let all men do as they see fit as long as they are following Christ - which is the Fathers unconditional Love.

As the bible says, "3 things are left - faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love".

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Posted by monique in bath st.thomas @ 20:09 on Dec 18 2006

judy has been doing a wonderful job in bringing acros the gospel to many young persons in the community i just want to give her a warm congratulation an express my grattitude to her for her live and support.MUCH LOVE TO YOU JUDY AND ALSO T OBROTHER VICTOR AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE BIBLE TEACHERS INTERNAL MINISTRIES .continue to let God use you to complete his requirements

Posted by Daniel Bowskill in london @ 20:30 on Nov 28 2006

listen out for my album more than music it is relevant to this matter and inspirational testiment.

Reply by attilio in leeds @ 01:19 on Feb 24 2007

wats up rasta!! hows tings...............1love

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Posted by drew in canada @ 05:10 on Nov 18 2006


Posted by RASTAFARI in JAMAICA @ 15:31 on Oct 20 2006

Do not be fooled by this deception. Bob was ALWAYS RASTA. In fact, he cried out to Selassie as his mother told the world. JAH RASTAFARI!

Posted by Bongo Najja Foluke in New Orleans, La @ 06:48 on Oct 8 2006

I know that I received redemption through my praising Rastafari, who we regard as Christ in the Second Advent. It wasn't through Jesus. This is a fact. So, many of you who feel you have to go through Jesus, you should do so. And, continue waiting for His return. As Rastafarians, we know he has already returned, in the form of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as it is prophesized. Read your scripture and pray for understanding. I know for a fact that I am saved. As for my Sister Judy, May Jah Bless.

Peace and blessings

Reply by queenziion in london @ 23:13 on Mar 20 2008

bless u bongo najja foluke as a rasta who walks wid d holy spirit 24/7 i can say jah does not give everyone who reads their bible the understanding as his mysteries r not 4 all 2 see as he does not remove the scales from all peoples eyes haile selassie is a teacher but not without sin as we as people have 2 spirits we are either carnal r spiritual their was only one man without sin who is the mediator between us n d almighty who made H.I.M god was it not man...jah says worship no other god but me.....his people r dying thro lack of knowledge he gave us all the power to walk as his son did i&i carry out his works everyday by healing the sick n spreading his word n imputing the holy spirit we r all supposed to be like jesus n walk n his statutes n precepts 2 be equal wid jah is no robbery...paul says they learned nothing till i laid my hands on them i have his authority 2 claim where i walk n step on scorpion n serpant everything is spiritual he who has eyes let them see n ears let them hear jesus was a true rastaman i cum with jahs truth n selassie i can not get u 2 heaven seek n u shall find boasteth not of thy self but of jah he will tell u if u r saved we r all different so he can search the heart of man...jah guidance n one love

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Posted by ras mcqueen in scotland @ 13:04 on Sep 7 2006

RASTAFARI BLESSINGS TO ALL PEOPLES!Trinity is within us all.We all have the answers within us,bible or no bible,jesus or no jesus,selassie or no selassie.Every man,woman and child that has existed and exists presently is equal in spirit.I and I human,all prophets past and present human,not super beings.worship the GOD HEAD within the self.Take responsibility for thy own actions.No more passing the buck.Reality we a dealing with here!

Reply by Gil in South Africa @ 11:35 on Jun 27 2008

Christianity is a religion just like Islam etc.Rasta came into the picture as a movement for black recognition.Please I was born a Christian, but I hate this issue of Christians considering other religions as evil.Yes the Bible says "For God so loves the world, that he gave his only begotten Son........." So please what about the Koran? It might be saying thesame thing about Mohammed.Religion is just like politics; when u belong to political party, you will obviously claim your party is the best.Like Great Bob Marley said "Never calim your way is the right way until we get to the end". I don't have an Issue with Rasta, Islam,etc, I am a Christian, but I respect every other religious views.If we learn to live like that, the world will be void of upheavals.

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Reply by paxcoder in Croatia @ 17:30 on Oct 31 2007

"There is only ONE way to the Father, and that is trough Jesus Christ". One God. One Way. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, nobody comes to Father but by me" saith Jesus the Lord and God. No other, no other. I is dirty. He is Pure.

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Posted by REGGIE in UGANDA @ 15:43 on Aug 30 2006


Reply by iyakaremye in rwanda @ 20:09 on Aug 1 2008

i love rasaman and iwould like to became a rasta

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Posted by lydia in Nairobi, Kenya @ 11:12 on Jun 30 2006

i CANNOT believe that Bob Marley gave his life to the Lord on his deathbed,PRAISE BE TO THE ALMIGHTY!wow, thats soooo powerful, it brings a whole new dimension to who u will meet when u get to heaven, personally i always liked him although when i got saved i cut out all secular music, but its true, some songs he used to sing were real soul deep, like redemption song. i pray the truth will come out sooner than later and that many will come to know Jesus thru this absolutely stunning revelation!God bless yall!

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