Reader Comments for Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006

These are reader comments for the article 'Sexual Orientation Regulations 2006'

Reader Comments

Posted by Alan Bonomi in Dewsbury @ 12:13 on Jan 31 2007

Jesus doesn't condem us but the wrongs we do. He didn't condem the money changers but He did drive them out of the temple. He was zealous for God.
He loved them all, even in their iniquity, but He stood up for what was right. Can Christians do any less?

Posted by Fiona Williams in Surrey @ 21:22 on Jan 9 2007

I am amazed that anyone feels such a need to fight this law. The biblical quotes listed are generally from the old testiment (actually jewish law), except that of Romans 1 26:27. I've read this many times.
So - is the lust the sin? Is the 'shameful act?'
Do we ignore all of the other verses telling us to love each other - to live like Jesus did - to care for each other (yep - even tax collectors!) in order to interpret these two verses in this way?
Would Jesus be stood in Westminster with a placard?

Reply by D. Medway in South Coast @ 15:12 on Jan 10 2007

No, Jesus was placarded on a cross for the sins of humanity (yes, that includes homosexuality). You seem to be someone who can't tell the diference between unconditional love and blanket approval.

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Posted by D. Medway in South Coast @ 09:58 on Jan 9 2007

The problem is this: our culture is finding it increasingly difficult to discern the difference between love and approval. Love should demonstrated despite the presence of disapproval, negative feeling. or theological conviction: it is an act of the will that has no conditions or get out clauses.

However, I will resist being forced to approve of something (whatever it is) simply because someone else has confused their desire for approval with their need for love.

Posted by Dan Murphy in Cornwall @ 14:01 on Dec 8 2006

I am a christian and i don't think a law to this degree would be oppropriate. i think that gays shouldn't be discriminated against. but it comes down to, what is discrimination? and what is being sensible?
i think in the example of a printers having to print things that promote homosexuallity the owner should be able to use their discresion and if they miorally object to it then they should not have to print it. this law sounds very dodgy beware!!!
Jesus taught us to love our neibours. so we should love our neibours but hate their sins, remember we are all sinners

Posted by John Self in Belfast, UK @ 12:59 on Nov 29 2006

Just look at the responses. All the pro-SOR ones are measured and rational. All the anti-SOR ones are full of CAPITAL LETTERS and exclamation! marks!! and excerpts from the mistranslated myths of nomadic desert shepherd tribes assembled around 2,000 years ago.

Have you people ever wondered why you're leaves in the wind of trend? Take a look at yourselves and see.

Posted by Oporto in Freetown Sierra Leone @ 21:27 on Nov 24 2006

There is a very simple and wholly christian answer: Do as Jesus did. He did not discrimate against any individual, but took his message to all. The hotel or guest house owner should rent rooms to gays, but provide the christian message to them. The church should rent the hall, but provide information about the christian message.

Let anyone that is without sin make the first act of discrimination.

Judge not lest you yourself be judged.

Christians? Pharisees!

Posted by Edd in Kidderminster @ 16:04 on Oct 23 2006

Partly, because I am all for women preaching. People accept that Paul's desire that women sit down and shut up was a product of its time, and that modern society is different. Why can't being gay be a similar product of its time?

The sad fact is that some people *do* hate gay people and *do* claim simultaneously to be Christians. They are not people I wish to be associated with.

Posted by Edd in Kidderminster @ 16:03 on Oct 23 2006

The problem is defining what is and what isn't sin.

I believe that being gay (and bi, trans- etc) isn't. For a couple of reasons. Partly, there's the vast, humoungous quantities of people who don't choose to be gay, they feel it to be natural and true. Why would God create people gay if it was sinful? That's not a God I particularly like very much.

Reply by R.S. Gadsby in Australia @ 10:01 on Mar 18 2007

Because we are fallen creatures all our feelings as well as bones (psalm..) are out of joint. I wasn't married until 41 and had never "known" in the old biblical sense anyone before that. Just an example of what we have to suffer in a fallen world. An interesting old book by Dean Inge of some of his talks in the '30's traced the tremendous increase in sin against the sevnth c'dt since Victorian times to the first world war, and the sympathy of young women to young men who might well never return-- a simple and tragic example of how one evil (war) begets another (fornication etc.)

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Reply by Dan Murphy in Cornwall @ 21:53 on Dec 8 2006

You will agree with me when i say murder is wrong wont you? some people have the urge to murder just like some people have the urge to be gay, it doesn't make it right though does it. Its like you're saying because you have the urge to murder its ok even though it isn't by anyones standards

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Posted by Janine in London @ 00:18 on Oct 19 2006

If a Christian has a business set up for ministry, how dare it be used to promote sin and lewdness. That is not what Christ would have condoned... To the woman at the well, he said GO AND SIN NO MORE... .

There are countless testimonies of homosexuals that have been set free in Christ, nothing is impossible to God. But how can we minister to you, and condone your lifesyle at the same time? We can't... Think about it. Read the Old Testament and New Testament.

Posted by Edd in Kidderminster @ 11:14 on Aug 22 2006

The only problem with 1 Cor 6 is that it says (NIV) "homosexual offenders", not "homosexuals".

And I've got one of those inkling feelings that that's significant. Ditto the Romans verse.

To any homophobic (not meaning hating, but meaning fearing) Christians, be assured that I'm throwing John 15:12 and the whole of 1 Corinth. 13 at you. Christ tells to love as he did. So how did Christ love?

Reply by Janine in London @ 00:15 on Oct 19 2006

Christ NEVER condoned sin in any way, shape or form. I am so grateful to the Lord that there are christian lawyers out there. In a profession, where it is so easy to distort the truth, and conform, their work and ministry is commendable to say the least. And indeed God himself is smiling down on them.
To any homsexual, or bi-sexual, christians do not hate you. The bible does not promote hate or violence. We love you... So much that we don't want to see you perish and go to hell. Because that is the wages of sin, any sin.

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