Reader Comments for Tendai 1968 - 2006

These are reader comments for the article 'Tendai 1968 - 2006'

Reader Comments

Posted by Munya in Berkshire @ 18:43 on Dec 29 2010

Hi, I don't know if this forum is still live but I know Tendai (Culture T as we knew him then) from way back munaMwamuka in Mbare. He was a big inspiration for me. May his spirit live on Where can I buy his music?

Posted by cris chikwanha in cambridgeshire @ 04:04 on Dec 11 2010

Tendai was a brethren not to be forgotten, may his soul rest in peace, me and him went to the same school, please link up with me , i need to have a copy of his album, he had promised to send me one but we never got round to it.
God Bless
One love

Posted by vimbai{daughter} in hertfordshire @ 14:17 on Jan 6 2010

hi, thank u everyone u've been gr8. it has been about 3-4 years now but i still get emotional. i guess its ok 2 cry but we have 2 understand that sumx's we hv 2 think that we will all perish ant 1 time in our lives. God bless take care,


Reply by Vimbai Gamure in Baldock Hertfordshire @ 18:00 on Aug 6 2010

Thank u once again everyone, it was 4 years on 31st July i am now 11 years old and moving on 2 Secondary school i just want to keep on praying and believing in the almighty god! my dad would have lead me all the way and pushed me to fufill my dream of singing(Just like him)
God bless u all xx

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Posted by Jahki in South London @ 03:29 on Aug 3 2009

WOW I dont go on the net a lot so I am only just finding out! gutted in 1 way but happy in another, because I'm assuming that he's gone heaven. I know my mum will feel that it is a shame to see another soldier pass

Posted by AGNESS GAMURE (WIFE) in HERTFORDSHIRE UK @ 19:05 on Jun 18 2008

Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers. The children and I are managing well and taking each day as it comes. Praise God for His grace and mercy. Its not easy even thou its nearly 2years (31st July ) to us its like yesterday. However Tendai was a christian soldier and we are still distributing the music but we need your support. There will be a website soon.The word of God never perishes and Tendai sang the word of God and it should carry on to win souls. He had passion for evangelism and God will give us strength to continue,watchout for unreleased music which will come out at God's appointed time.


Reply by Cathy in USA @ 21:01 on Jul 22 2008

Please let us know how we can get copies of the CD's.

remain blessed.

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Posted by jerry in namibia @ 14:56 on Mar 14 2008

loved this brother was at his concert and my brother Priminister was the mc i had a good time in the LOrd in zim
am zimbabwean i loved his humility he did his part to spread the gospel got the news of his death rather late so my eyes i full of tears , he was a souljah may God bless HIS FAMILY AMEN

Posted by Cathy in USA @ 19:25 on Sep 29 2006

I was a very, very close friend of Tendai's back in the late 80's. His untimely death was a pure painful shocker. One thing I'd like to say about him is that he was a very dedicated man, in everything that he did - and I believe that dedication took him to the great heights that he was at the time of his death. May he rest in peace and may the Lord keep and bless his family.

Posted by David Olaoye DEMODAV in London @ 17:26 on Sep 4 2006

I first met Tendai at Triumphant Church Womenn's Programme few years back of which my company, DEMODAVE PHOTO VIDEO NETWORK LONDON, was recording when he approach me on the production of his Musical video of which I agreed doing. We finished it and it was lovely. Since then we've been very good friends. He was very gentle and kind.
It was a shock when I was told about his death which up till now...
Rest in peace. My love goes to his family.

Reply by Humble G in Scotland @ 19:32 on Jun 5 2008

Hey Tendai was my childhood here from the days of The Message to sneaking into his perfomances(l was under age) at zim grounds in Highfield when he mceed for the late jah b(r.i.p) Will be getting people to buy me his album which had songs like Sahwira l believe is in ztocked in zim but hard to find here. To Agnes tho Culture T never knew on a personal level l say shingai kuchengeta vana. God bless

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Reply by Agness Gamure (wife) in UK @ 14:31 on May 2 2008

Thank you for your support. I have been looking for you so please contact me ASAP. God bless you.

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Posted by Kwame in Bucks @ 14:36 on Sep 1 2006

Tendai, your ministry has touched countless lives. I will never forget in the year 2001, how your songs ministered and inspired me, as a student with the odds stacked up against me.

Especially "I am serving a God of miracles" AND "Glory to the Lord".

We shall all meet again in Eternity, amongst the saints and the heavenly choir.

May God strengthen your wife and children in this time.

Rest in peace, Tendai. Your gift will continue to minister to generations yet unborn.


Posted by ben in london @ 15:50 on Aug 21 2006

I grew up with Tendai and was shocked to hear that he had passed. Will miss him a lot.

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