Reader Comments for Greenbelt '06: The Music Reviews

These are reader comments for the article 'Greenbelt '06: The Music Reviews'

Reader Comments

Posted by Liam in Glasgow @ 14:11 on Sep 4 2006

I didn't get to the Battle of the Bands, but I would say is that it is difficult to sound check every band when trying to run things to a tight time scale, but maybe this explains some of the problems. I would have to say though that it's not drivel that people are talking. With the exception of a few acts the main stage acts were pretty poor. The main problem with Greenbelt is that it's an 'arts festival' and it's trying to cater for to many different tastes and people forget that the music is really only one part of the whole this.

Posted by scott in northern ireland @ 13:14 on Sep 4 2006

It's great to see other festivals carrying the banner for unsigned artists though... check out and So long as God is given the glory, it's all good work and it's all needed!!!

Posted by Scott in northern ireland @ 13:13 on Sep 4 2006

In answer to Dan (from cheddar) I wouldn't worry too much about a 'lack of reviews' for greenbelt- the article said there would be around 70 before the writeup is complete.... so far i've only counted about half that so there's much more to come!

As a punter and contributor I found the whole greenbelt experience amazing! Artists like All Star and DB did super sets on mainstage and i also thought stage 2 artists such as Electralyte played fantastic. Sorry i missed the Titus and Verra Cruz sets.... love both these bands!!!

Posted by Mick in Devizes @ 11:21 on Sep 4 2006

"main stage was alright" says it all.

Supervision were outstanding, as were Vera Cruse and One Life Left.

If you are happy with "alright" then that is your opinion and I would not call it drivel.

Posted by joelson garcia @ 17:10 on Sep 3 2006

i like, very, very well. I live in Brazil

Posted by Rob in Chester @ 01:04 on Sep 2 2006

what a load of drivel some people on this column spout!
big names? DB? Ukelele Orch? Weapons o'Sound? Michael Franti? Kevin Max? Courtney Pine?
yeah, ok mebbe they're not all as "christian" as YFriday/Delirious etc, but for sheer entertainments sake, as well as diversity of a stage, you have to say the main stage was alright...(ok so CP was in Centaur, but you get the jist!)
and did anyone find the Winged Ox venue at all?!! The Beatbox thing on Sunday was outstanding, as well as an awesome DJ set from Baila & Para...

Reply by Frank in London @ 13:58 on Sep 4 2006

Not really drivel - probabaly honest opinion of what people felt - different tastes and all that - a lot of people missed alot of things - purely because so much goes on that people don't get to see - as for the winged ox - beatbox - top class stuff

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Posted by Dave Griffiths in Bournemouth @ 15:05 on Sep 1 2006

A new festival has arrived. ALL about talent and new talent at that! NTH FEST! Next one is March 10th in Yeovil. Check out for more. There were good acts everywhere at Greenbelt. I think there is room for even more good music festivals.

Reply by Mick in Devizes @ 19:07 on Sep 1 2006

It does look impressive. Are slots still available for bands?

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Reply by Frank in London @ 17:47 on Sep 1 2006

Indeed - come on Grassrootz - time to return to the music scene - missed ahuge amount by a lot of people this year!

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Posted by Mick in Devizes @ 14:41 on Sep 1 2006

The stage dwarfed a lot of the acts. Last years North Stage was a better size. Randy Stonehill was one of the few acts that could have played to such an audience but they hid him away. A lot of these bands are not used to a stage & audience of that size.

Was also intresting to talk to a guy who used to be on the music committee. He phoned up to find out about the next meeting and was told it had already been held without him. Strange way to say thanks. He was not the first and probably not the last.

Posted by Frank in London @ 09:23 on Sep 1 2006

However I agree with the general view of the write up on stage 2 - I think somethingABOUTnothing were the better band and deserved the win although, I am not totally convinced the majority of the crowd were surprised - a few people can make a lot of sound !

Posted by Frank in London @ 09:22 on Sep 1 2006

Seems to be fairly accepted about the labels. Stage 2 was cool. Was a little disappointed with the sound guys during the batle of the bands - they seemed to do a good job playing around with things which affected the sound - and this effected some of the bands having chatted to them afterwards. Sound check every band would be my recommendation.

Reply by Jon in Derby @ 19:27 on Sep 1 2006

I felt that the lighting tech was worse still - she seemed to get bored during most sets and at one point turned her back on the band and looked to be checking her e-mail on a lap-top - very bad form"

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