Reader Comments for Lost In His Glory

These are reader comments for the article 'Lost In His Glory'

Reader Comments

Posted by joy osagie in norway @ 12:16 on Jun 20 2009

sonnie badu is filled with thy spirit of GOD.when a man of GOD ministers, tru songs or preaching ,u as a child of GOD feels the annionting running down tru yr body.this is what i feel each time i listen to sonnie badu songs.hes truly a real servant of GOD,i wish am in the U:K, i feel my soul belongs to that ministry to serve my GOD:bless your soul brother and carry on with the good work of HIM that sent you Amen.

Posted by Valerie in Georgia @ 16:38 on Jun 13 2009

My first "encounter" with Sonnie Badu's songs was about a month ago through the YouTube clip of Covenant Keeping God. I broke out in worship and researched everything on him, cds, shows,etc. He has a special gift of ushering you into the Father's presence and that is because Sonnie Badu is in the presence himself. God hold you and keep you in His presence, NEVER LEAVE Sonnie, for that is where your power and overflow lie!!!

Posted by wendy owusu in london @ 11:13 on Apr 15 2009

he made me cry.. for annointing he carried in his songs and i saw my self on the floor touch my holy spirit and i was blown away indeed i have been bless i couldn't believed my luck coming across a vessel like him i have been listen to him more than 3hours still listening may GOD increase you and prosper you.

Posted by Esther asare in United states @ 21:41 on Mar 29 2009

After watching sonnie badu on youtube, I got to know that when the hand of God is on you there is nothing that you cannot do, and no mountain you cannot move. Sonnie has availed himself to God and that is why he's been used mightly. God bless him, and I also pray for God's anointing to stay on his life always.

Posted by Pat in Ghana @ 18:15 on Mar 9 2009

I am more than blessed today for what I just read online. Thank God for the internet. Sonnie, I thank God for your life. I join your family in appreciating God for who he has chosen to make out of you. I will link up later, ok. May God who has chosen you continue to strengthen you with his might to fulfil his purpose for your life. Amen.

Posted by george sam heywood in italy @ 10:33 on Mar 2 2009

i just dont have words to discrib how greatfull i am, but all the same sonnie just keep the fire burning and hope to meet you italy one of these days so that we together will worship our maker.

Posted by lydia osei in belguim @ 14:02 on Jan 17 2009

may god bles you.may you contn to good of god.i like the way you worship god .god bles you.

Posted by Alabaster Box in Ghana @ 08:13 on Dec 7 2008

God really Bless you for giving yourself for His work.. I listened to you and there is no doubt you are one of the few spirit-led worshipers of our time.. I respect you Bro.. Never forget that God is your source.. Always direct all the glory towards Him... Go BLess and Increase you..

Posted by juanita in london @ 08:58 on Nov 27 2008

Best gospel album in a long while. Sonnie has God's powerful annointing which carries through in his singing. Having heard him sing live three times, I feel really blessed that we have someone who is so powerfully used by God in our midst.

Posted by nana in london @ 22:01 on Nov 9 2008

i love the album it is so inspirational

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