Reader Comments for Larry In The Spotlight

These are reader comments for the article 'Larry In The Spotlight'

Reader Comments

Posted by Steve Mellor in lancashire uk @ 22:13 on Jul 25 2008

How very sad that Larry is gone and still the 'Christians' are at it trying to soil Larrys name instead of accepting that he was a man whilst not perfect like ALL of us but he was a man trying to live for God and indeed led many to Jesus. These stories will come out in the forthcoming books and far outweigh any stories like this one by Jennifer McCallum.
Please as mentioned by John Williams above do Larry and his family the courtesy of reading Charles' response.

Reply by meme in washington @ 17:41 on Feb 27 2009

Amen! I couldn't have said it better...

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Posted by John Williams @ 19:18 on Jul 19 2008

I find it very sad that a respected site such as this has chosen to report as FACT what is merely and unverified allegation. Sadly Larry is unable to answer this claim but his brother Charles Norman has posted a response. This can be viewed, along with Jennifer's full letter at
Please do Larry and his family the courtesy of reading Charles' response.

Reply by matthew in Australia @ 04:07 on Jan 23 2010

Hi John I read your comment you find it very sad that a respected site such as this has chosen to report as FACT what is merely and unverified allegation. Sadly Larry is unable to answer this claim but his brother Charles Norman has posted a response. This can be viewed, along with Jennifer's full letter at
Please do Larry and his family the courtesy of reading Charles' response.

Yes Charles has made a responce on a Blog sit but let see what he forgot to say on his blog he never said the Jen asked for a 3 way DNA test he clams he only wants the truth. If so why has the DNA todate afar as I now not been done it is now 2010 his post was in 2008 Until this is done you one must ask do the normans have somthing to hide it is not rocket science here just a little DNA test that way this all can be put to sleep I have been over the nett the past few days and can not find anything about the DNA test by the Normans So it it True only they and Dan know But I do not look at the normans in the same light now but that was there choice. not to let us know where they are at and I ask if Jen had a Gag order put on her
Cheers Matthew

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Posted by Andrew Wallace in Newcastle Australia @ 11:50 on Jul 19 2008

Thanks Crossrythems for your mention of the situation concering Daniel and my wife Jennifer.
Jennifer and I were married in early 2006. When I first met Daniel he was almost 16 .. He is a creative, artistc young man who longs for a sense of identity.

Sammy's song is great, it was written in our living room

Thanks again

Andrew, Newcastle Australia

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