Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Sunny Leslie in Glassboro, N.J. @ 15:38 on May 30 2015

When my husband was struggling for his life at a rehab center some time ago, I played your music as I drove back and forth every day for months at a time. I wept as I listened to your music, and consider it to be that which carried me through that difficult time in my life. Thank you so much for allowing the Lord to use you as a vessel for His purposes. I've been told, that we should just turn our back on the problem and worship.
So true. My husband has recovered completely:)
God bless you as you bless us.

Posted by magdelene de Ruiter in cape town south africa @ 08:05 on May 30 2015

I Will like to know according to the songs Terry songs ,told me that the Holyspirit Open revelation of Isaiah 43v19 to him alongtime before it actually happen.Because the vision that God gave me as the pastor of the church is exactly the meaning of what Terry worship.I wil like s comment of Terry himself to answer me please.

Posted by Ria short for Maria in KWAZULU NATAL SOUTH AFRICAM @ 09:29 on May 8 2015

Dear Terry. I am so pleased that you got through this with the help of friends and God by your side. God never leaves us. You know that but this experience will only make you stronger. My sister introduced me to your music. It takes me into Gods Throne room. Your music is filled with the Holy Spirit, It is real and it helps us here to realise there is a God. My daughter uses your music to calm our little 5 month Eric down to sleep. He loves to hear the soothing voice and music that God has given you. Please give us more. As it also helps us to grow in Gods word. It brings us so close to Him our Father. Thank you and remember that nothing is too big for God to forgive. He loves us too much.

Posted by Agus Setiawan in Jakarta @ 09:57 on Apr 25 2015

May God restore you whole and may God makes you fall in love again with your first wife. May God be glorified. Gbu

Posted by Romy Morgenrood in New Zealand @ 04:45 on Apr 6 2015

Hi. So glad you're back. Prayed that God would restore you and your ministry to us. Worship truly is what you were created for. thank you God!

Posted by Dorothy feldman in The villages florida @ 17:57 on Apr 3 2015

Dear terry PRAISE GOD I FOUND THIS TODAY !!i discovered your beautiful music a few yes ago while attending my little church in Latham ny The Lutheran church of the resurrection. Our church. Back there is very very small BUT TOTALLY FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT . Today is good Friday an I am sitting in our home here in florida listening to your music one of my favorite songs is blessings an honor. I have played it over an over an it truly is GODS BLESSING TO ME !!! I am so glad to hear GOD HAS BROUGHT YOU BACK TO ALL OF US. SURELY YOU KNOW HOW MUCH HE LOVES YOU. PLEASE SUT AT THE KEYBOARD AGAIN AN SEND US HUS MESSAGE THRU YOU. I SHALL CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR YOU YOUR SONS AN GRETA. MAY PEACE FOLLOW YOU ALWAYS AN THANK YOU AN THANK YOU JESUS FOR THESE BEAUTIFUL WORDS OF THIS SONG my husband of 61 yrs is suffering from

Posted by Eddie imishue in Bradford @ 14:56 on Mar 19 2015

Terry, everything we go through is for God,s glory. we love you our blessed brother

Posted by Jere Ford in Colorado Springs @ 18:26 on Mar 14 2015

Hi Terry, my wife Phoebe and I used to worship with you in New Life Church World Prayer Center wih much, much appreciation for your
music! I listen to your 6 albums we have when studying or doing my back exercises. Like the lady before me said : "nothing brings me closer to our Savior that The Word along with your music".
Please put me on your Alert to your Return on your mailing list along with new music you present

Posted by Violet in Afghanistan @ 12:53 on Mar 7 2015

I am so grateful for the loving kindness of God to bring you back in His mercy! I always fall in deep presence of God in tears whenever i listen to your worship songs...simply anointed. God has restored my relationship with Him through your obidience to serve Him.
Thank you Lord for your life in Terry, a blessing you gave to me and many others...Is all your grace to restore Him back to your loving embrase for me too...
I pray that through your heavenly worship, God reaches more hearts now and in an electric speed than what the devil had planned to destroy in Jesus name!!! blessings

Posted by pastor moses john in capetown south africa @ 09:44 on Feb 19 2015

it was a pleasure meeting you in capetown terry. God has not only restored you but He's given you a double portion of what was taken. We praise God for His grace and mercy over your life. Paul says in Galatians 6v1 that we who are spiritual should restore the one who has fallen in error, lest we ourselves be tempted and become disqualified. We not to judge but to build and empower one another. Everything about us and our Lord is relational. Brother we love you and keep focused on God and your call

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