Reader Comments for Return To Ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'Return To Ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Jenevieve in Dallas, Tx @ 07:15 on Jun 13 2011

Terry, I am so glad you are back to what God has called you to do. I thank you for listening and honoring the voice of the Lord. I have been praying to God to make you realise that He has already forgiven you and it was left for you to forgive yourself. I pray that the Lord will continue to use you to draw more souls to His throne. God bless you.

Posted by Mary in Wst Indies @ 02:34 on Jun 12 2011

It is so nice to have Terry back. The enemy always attacks the worship team or leader much harder than others, since he takes us into the presence of God . But Terry God is a God who restores no matter how big the blunder is. The Lord is able to do for you "exceedingly abundantly above all that yoy may ask or think". I do not know the extent of the damage in your marriage but, don't you think the Lord is bigger than divorce and He is a God of restoration. Remember in humility shall be your strength. May God strengthen you for the task ahead.

Posted by Eddie brooks in Los angeles @ 13:21 on Jun 6 2011

Good to hear of your sorrow and repentance . No one but you can feel Your betrayal of the Lord and no one but you can make the decision to return to the ministry. Nontheless I still use your music in my prayer life and study of God s Word. It seems to enrich me as I go forward in my own repentance. Blessings to you as we pray for you. Do let us all know when you return. Eddie brooks

Posted by mary in middleton, wi @ 17:54 on Jun 2 2011

Terry ~ who among us is without sin...? What Jesus did on Calvary makes ALL of us saints ! Feel as forgiven and shame-free as HE Himself made us. Understanding what Jesus really -REALLY- did for us, and walking with Him even after understanding the depth of our shame is what His Redemption is.

YOU SING TERRY MACALMON ! We the saints n sinners sometimes limping, at times running, and even racing toward heaven need to hear you !

Posted by Tania Jordaan in St Francis Bay, South Africa @ 13:50 on May 23 2011

I have been praying for Terry since I googled his name for new worship music about three weeks ago. I have been a counsellor for 12 years, and funny that I found spiritual attacks have increased immensely the past 6 years. Please encourage Terry to not give up, as Satan wants to quieten his voice. In the end, it's all about Y'shua. He perfects that which concerns each one of us, and by our love for one another, the world will know that we are his disciples. Be blessed.

Posted by angeloves62 in United States @ 19:38 on May 17 2011

I am elated to hear that Terry is back in business, doing what he probably does best...praise & worship. I have nearly played his cds to death in my Pal talk rooms, during praise & worship sessions. I am now waiting to get his new songs, and I wish him all the best with his new walk with the Lord. God is going to use him mightier than before, to reach people for the kingdom of God, with his anointed music. High five, and thumbs up Terry, luv ya.

Posted by dorinda in england @ 10:41 on May 11 2011

I was very interested to hear that Terry MacAlmon has been restored to his position of worship leader. I'm sure that I am not the only person who has found the whole matter saddening and very perplexing, as there is no doubting his great anointing.
However, I have been saddened too by the apparent reluctance to 'call a spade a spade'. We have read about the 'mistake' and in Terry's own words his 'moral failure', but isn't there a place to acknowledge that this was gross and deliberate sin? An affair doesn't just happen, and for those who liken this episode, now long over, to King David's adultery, should we not be looking for a similar, public acknowledgement and repentance in the same vein as Psalm 51? I write this with love, because I know that countless christians down the ages will have been blessed by David's hones confession and repentance. Is it not possible that the same might be true of this gifted and anointed man of God?

Posted by Dennis Musaa in Nairobi, Kenya @ 12:01 on May 6 2011

Terry, your music has been truly refreshing and I have personally introduced you to my church friends. They just cant let go of your music and we use your CDs when praying. But by saying you made the choice to go back to your piano and not your wife is disturbing! I cant even share this with the church here. They will stop listening to your music! Anyway, God bless

Posted by Pastor Ernest in South Africa @ 14:21 on May 1 2011

Terry we all make mistakes, but God is a great God, and if you recall in 2009 I gave you a prophetic word that God was going to restore you, and this is waht now is happening, God say your ministry will be geater than ever before, for you have come through the fire.
Just trust the God that you know so well, and continue to bless as God has equiped you to do.
All Praise to God , that you whent through the fire and made it through on the other side.

Posted by Ping in Dusseldorf, Germany @ 22:06 on Apr 12 2011

may the Lord bless your ministries. I m so happy to hear that you are back. Wish God send you to come to Germany or Europe.

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