Reader Comments for The Trouble With Women

These are reader comments for the article 'The Trouble With Women'

Reader Comments

Posted by John in Witney, United Kingdom @ 11:19 on Jan 21 2011

A little disappointed that you don't seem to have considered exegesis of the bible before leaping to hermeneutics. For example, slavery in Roman times was incredibly different (it was more like employment in most cases which is why many chose to enter slavery to secure regular employment) to 18th century slave practice. It's a shame also that you use modern case studies (eg women not running) to try and influence the biblical text rather than letting the bible determine our actions. Men are called to lead and women are called to support them in that role as equals. Equality does not equal uniformity. Yes God has and does call women to leadership roles but that doesn't mean that is true for all women - you are making a generalisation out of a specific cases rather than using the general teaching given but allowing specific cases. Please don't get me wrong - I'm just asking that we have a little more substance to our debates.

Posted by Jack Reaster in USA @ 22:20 on Jan 20 2011

Here, Here.....

Posted by Nic Burrows in Amblecote @ 19:22 on Jan 20 2011

Very well said Paul.

Posted by ruth drew in somerset @ 09:34 on Jan 20 2011

I agree with this article and thank God for men like Paul who make their own assessment based on the Spirit and Word of God and don't just repeat un considered, what they have heard said by others.

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