Reader Comments for The Sheep: '70s Jesus freaks who pioneered the Lonesome Stone rock opera

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Reader Comments

Posted by Stephen Morgan in London UK @ 01:21 on Mar 2 2016

I spent a few months with the cast in the early 70's when they took me under their wing to rescue me off the streets of Sheffield & get me away from the COG 'The Children of God' sect. I was a stage hand for a bit on the show in a large theatre, can't remember what it was called, in Sheffield. I used to throw down all the glitter & streamers from the flies in the finale then run down to sit on the edge of the stage with cast to sing 'Come Jesus Come'. It started my life long love of theatre & I'm an actor to this day. I lived in a commune with all the cast in a hotel in Sheffield then in a commune in Bromley but had to leave when they went to do the show on a German air base. Almost went with them, had shots & everything, but they sent me home last minute for some reason back to Wales on a National Express coach with the communes cat & an album personally signed to me by all the cast thanking me for my time with them, which tragically got lost over the years, be worth a fortune now.

Reply by Andrew Whitman in Bournemouth, Dorset @ 07:18 on May 21 2016

Thanks for your story Stephen. I'd dearly love to connect with you personally. As another person brought to Jesus through the Jesus Family I'm currently researching the impact of the JPM (Jesus People Movement) on us here in Britain specifically. My e-mail?: Andrew.

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Posted by Beth Staker in Greenwood, IN @ 03:23 on Jan 24 2016

Saw Lonesome Stone when it was in Lancaster, PA in 1974. Got to know some of the cast as one of the women stayed at my parent's home and some of them came to my high school and did a presentation for my World Religions class. It was all very exciting! Great experience!

Posted by Rick McReynolds in Des Moines, Ia @ 21:57 on Jul 16 2015

I went to the Lonesome Stone concert November 2nd 1974 in Davenport Iowa. I was a Krishna Devotee and heard there was a girl (Caroline Green) in the Concert who used to be Krishna Conscience. I talked to her after the concert and she prayed that Jesus would open my eyes and show me the truth. On the way home I prayed "Jesus come into my heart and fill me with you love". I've written over 130 Christian songs and have been a Pastor In Foursquare over 33 years. Caroline Green never heard what happened to me. Rick McReynoolds

Posted by MaryAnn McConnell in Pflugerville, TX @ 21:03 on May 27 2015

Remember seeing Lonesome Stone in Germany in 1974; got the vinyl.

Posted by miss sharron gilbert in Medway @ 12:40 on May 4 2015

Does anyone know if the Jesus People are still going on ???
When they came to Medway , Kent in the U K
' I was a very young rebellious hippy teenager and it was through them l got saved. If anyone could let me know if they are still ar and can put me in touch with would be amazing .

Posted by Veikko Sailola in Finland @ 22:00 on Mar 30 2015

Few days back I got Jeesus-Rock! in vinyl. Good singing and playing. It's hilarious when they sang in finnish, but nice try!

Posted by Mary in Virginia @ 01:50 on Jan 13 2015

I remember a group called The Sheep that performed at Jesus People events in Duluth, Minnesota in the early '70s. I'm wondering, with their Wisconsin roots, if this might be the same band?

Reply by Larry (mole) Barker in Waukesha Wisconsin @ 16:16 on Nov 7 2015

We were the same Sheep but had a lineup change in England. We are a good friends and serve the Lord in many areas. mike Mary and I vet together and do music from time to time. I lead worship at my church in Milwaukee.

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Posted by Mrs. Peter Holmes in Deal, England - TX/MT (USA) @ 18:42 on Dec 30 2014

Being in OM at the time, experiencing one of the first performances of Lonesome Stone in Edinburgh, was one of the deciding factors in choosing to marry Peter Holmes and helping him with the setting up of Greenbelt.
The best other memory of Lonesome Stone that before we were dating, Peter came to Sioux City Iowa to audition my father's bosses daughter for the German tour ...:-)

Posted by Nigel Boney in Glasgow @ 16:12 on Oct 24 2014

Saw Lonesome Stone way back in 1975 in Edinburgh, forget the venue! Great show and still remember it today...just!

Posted by Dave Wellington in London @ 10:49 on Oct 10 2014

I too recollect the Sheep on the Lonesome stone tour in the YMCA in Plymouth. As a youth barely out of short trousers, their concert was a complete revolution in my musical world. The album stuck with me - melodies and harmonies and ideas. Now, does anyone know if those recordings ever made it onto CD?

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