Reader Comments for The Velvet Melodies: From boy bands and cocaine abuse to powerful worship ministry

These are reader comments for the article 'The Velvet Melodies: From boy bands and cocaine abuse to powerful worship ministry'

Reader Comments

Posted by Greg Doughlin in Leamington Spa @ 13:21 on Oct 28 2013

Wow my friend what a read. So happy for you and the band. All that hard work from back in the days is starting to pay off. I wish you and the band the best and keep going... well done old friend

Posted by David Kelly in Portstewart, N Ireland @ 22:58 on Oct 27 2013

An amazing story by a great bloke who truly loves Jesus. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by Aaron McWilliams in Antrim @ 19:27 on Oct 27 2013

Powerful stuff. Most of this I didn't know.....Scott is married to my cousin (Jaye).

Posted by Debs in Coleraine @ 18:50 on Oct 27 2013

Praise the lord :)

Posted by Andy Rogers in Coleraine @ 16:44 on Oct 27 2013

Great to see Scott & the guys (that's a generic 'guys' including Jaye!) grow in influence with their sound and songs. Thanks for featuring them Tony

Posted by Jennifer Mooney in N Ireland @ 16:38 on Oct 27 2013

I am Scott's mother in law and have travelled some of this journey with him and Jaye. It was a very hard time for us all when he was drinking but I knew that if he would submit to Jesus then he would restore him completely. I admit it took a while to welcome him back into the family but as we more and more saw his passion for Jesus, forgiveness was easy. He continues to grow and grow in Christ and I am very proud of him.

Posted by Ian S in Northern Ireland @ 15:54 on Oct 27 2013

Great article and moving story. Blessings to Scott and the guys in what they are doing - great music!

Posted by Rob Smith in Pontypridd, South Wales @ 15:54 on Oct 27 2013

This is amazing.
I met Scott recently at the songwriting retreat mentioned above and was captivated by his stories of leading people to Jesus. He is the real deal!!

Posted by jonny lindsay in Coleraine @ 15:39 on Oct 27 2013

Great stuff. Very inspirational story - looking forward to the things to come!

Posted by P in Coleraine @ 13:31 on Oct 27 2013

Downloaded the EP, really enjoying it !

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