Reader Comments for Gospel Francais: French Christian Music

These are reader comments for the article 'Gospel Francais: French Christian Music'

Reader Comments

Posted by Jessica in Atlanta, GA @ 07:45 on May 29 2007

Hi! I live in the United States, and although my French isn't the best, I've recently been looking for Christian songs in French. I haven't been too successful, so I'm glad to have found this website. I sing to worship the Lord, and I would also love to sing to Him in French so my French friends can understand. "Il disait: Le temps est accompli, et le royaume de Dieu est proche. Repentez-vous, et croyez à la bonne nouvelle."
Marc 1:15 (Louis Segond)

Posted by Jacques Ievers in Durban South Africa @ 15:06 on May 22 2007


Great articles and site!!! I have a favour to ask and that is for a list of French christian artist, we are wanting to distribute it to Mauritius, God is doing great works over there and i believe there is a hunger for french worship and christian music that would be suitable for all ages!!

Your brother in Christ


Posted by Elaine Taylor in Northern British Columbia, Can @ 20:33 on Apr 24 2007

Our local French -immersion families are looking for more French music, esp. children's, but could you possibly include the English translations, so besides being enjoyable, we could all improve our French? The parents are NOT in FI!
Thanks so much!

Reply by Linda in Yukon Territory @ 00:35 on Jan 20 2010

I'm wondering if anyone has found mainstream French Christian music for kids on CD in Canada. We shouldn't have to order from overseas. After all... we do have Quebec :)

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Posted by Ferel Raymond in Boston, MA, USA @ 15:04 on Apr 6 2007

Je cherche des albums ou CDs d'alain Faure, peut-on m'aider a les trouver en-ligne ou quelque part d'autre. Merci.

Posted by Evng. Light in Nigeria @ 00:39 on Mar 22 2007

I am Evangelist Light from Africa Nigeria: So happy to connect with you this day.
I want the Go-wills production music team to join your festival some day, if given the opportunity Sir.
The team is on mission in Nigeria and will have so much to give when you talk Africa music; this team is working with good Nigerian artists and I believe thy will make a great mark in your programs if considered.

Yours in end time missions,
Evangelist Light.
Light Evangelistic Assocaition
NB: Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving; and pray to us also, that God may open to us a door for word, that I may make it clear, as I ought to speak.

Posted by Merari in Mexico @ 17:09 on Mar 21 2007

Hello, i searching for Christian music in french, what artist do you recommend me?

thank you, God Bless you!

Posted by Davia @ 02:51 on Mar 12 2007

I am a Bahamian who is learning french and i would like to find christian french music. I would really like your help in this area. merci beaucoup a la prochaine

Reply by Kereisia Brown in France but I am a Jamaican @ 20:43 on Dec 16 2009

You can find French worship songs at I sing those songs in French because I love gosple music do it will help me to learn French better. I am a Christian and I am in France not only for my job but to proclame that Jesus is Lord. You can listen to ICC mass choir on YouTube. They are really powerful.

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Posted by Colleen D. Wright in United States @ 23:31 on Feb 19 2007

I need to know where I can purchase Maggie Blanchard album and other French gospal music. I would like to know a website so that I can here the songs or part of the songs before I puchase a song or an album.
Thanks so much

Posted by Joe in USA @ 05:21 on Feb 17 2007

i am learning french and also like chrsitian music but in french

Posted by Cherry Wong in Hong Kong @ 06:34 on Jan 24 2007

I am living in Hong Kong, I want to find an online music store where I can listen to and purchase French Chrsitian CD as those CDs are not available in Hong Kong.

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