Reader Comments for Gospel Francais: French Christian Music

These are reader comments for the article 'Gospel Francais: French Christian Music'

Reader Comments

Posted by Christine in USA @ 04:58 on Apr 10 2006 of good cheer. There is a wonderful group called, "Operation Mobilization" who is a strong force for Jesus in France. Do a search on this group in France or England. Maybe you can find some leaders who will help you share the good news!

Posted by fred in uganda east africa @ 18:14 on Apr 7 2006

am reasly hapy with the french christian singers and iwould like to be friendly to them cos am also gosple singer here in ma country

Reply by Glayson Ferrari in Belo Horizonte, Brazil @ 13:37 on Feb 8 2009

Dear ALL,

I would like to know some website where I can by gospel music in french.

Somebody can help me ?

My email is

Regards :-)

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Reply by Sarah in la paz, mexico @ 18:36 on Apr 4 2007

Hi Fred, I`m Sarah from Mexico, Im not speak french including I speak a little english, but I really enjoy about your comment.. God will a rise you up.. more high.. I bless you!

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Posted by christopher in france @ 12:05 on Feb 24 2006

im in france preaching the gospel and so manyyyyyyyyy are hungry for the reality of the gospel. i just have a hard time finding other like mminded believers who want to make a difference here

Reply by Zed in Washington, DC @ 22:41 on May 2 2010

Keep the faith brothers/sisters!! i ham praying for the Lord to open the Gates in france!!! His people are starving and perishing. My heart is growing for the french. Does anyone know any local artists or comtempory french christain music i can download online. i have a dear friend that i would like to share this with. thanks

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Reply by john in uk @ 19:25 on Apr 24 2010

Hi,I'm in uk attending andrew wommack college.Hang on in there we will be there next year and opening college the following year.John

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Reply by jacques in limoges france @ 22:17 on Jan 8 2010

Please if there are any christians close, let me know by e-mail... I have recently conversted my girl friend and we are really struggling as the churches are really quite "dead". I would love to start a cell group and start evangelising. Come from South Africa but playing rugby in france...

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Reply by Joy Caroline Dupree in Texas, USA @ 03:52 on Sep 20 2009

Dear Christopher,
I just happened to be checking to see what French Christian songs are being sung in France, and I saw your marvelous note. THANK GOD, that He has called you to preach in France! I will be keeping you in my prayers, as you continue this important evangelism. (I am Protestant...yet have been exposed to many different religious experiences.) Am currently learning French (slowly) and French music seems so important in drawing people to the Gospel.
What "Good News" it is!! (I'm a Christian writer in Texas...and simply LOVE your country and its people!!) Hope to return to France before long. (I have been interested in the "spiritual climate" of France, and your comment was helpful.

God bless you,

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Reply by Doris in France @ 12:34 on Jan 10 2008

I want to make a differnec too! It's just that i don't know what to do...

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Reply by Abrham Daniel in Ethiopia @ 04:17 on Nov 21 2007

I write because I need help to find one of my friend your country. His name Lt. Col Walter M.Swing. By refering his name to some churche's member list's. Because I don't know whuch church he is know. So please write me as soon as you get any member who has the name like this.
God Bless You !!

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Reply by zsuzsa czirják in hungary @ 21:48 on Jun 20 2007

Hello! Thanks for the information. Merci beaucoup! I'm studing french and this was a great help for me!
I love to share my faith with strangers biblicaly and i hope that i can do it soon in french. a great link i recommend for all of you about evangelism: God bless you!!

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Reply by Jenny in France @ 17:03 on Jan 27 2007

I am also in France. We are christians from a Toronto Airport offspring church in UK. We have met many christians in our area of Poitou-Charente and have started a mission based church in our home!!!

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Reply by Jan in USA @ 03:12 on Aug 31 2006

Hey Christopher,
I will be coming to France in about two years to teach Youth Ministry in a local seminary. What are some of your favorite French Christian Artists?

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Reply by Tom in Washington DC @ 01:32 on Aug 28 2006

I am a member of a contemporary Christian choir made up of about fifty 20 and 30 somethings, and we are thinking about putting together a missions trip to Southern France. Locked and loaded, we're ready to dive, once Christ leads us to the right opportunity. Please pray for us.

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Posted by mims in kolding, dk @ 13:52 on Feb 5 2006

Hey mun!
that's a great article! I'm a french girl exiled in DK, to learn more about God and Worship. I'm so happy for such a fresh nice echo of french gospel music! Thanks for your awesome work! be blessed!

Reply by Michael in Montreal,QC Canada @ 15:25 on Oct 25 2007

I know a girl named Berenice Dauphin from Montreal who is working on her upcoming album. she is a French Urban Gosepl artist. she sings in french,Creole and english but mostly french. she has performed in france before. check her at

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Reply by Claude S Valentin in United States @ 23:35 on Aug 9 2007

Hello, I almost the same will as you. I have some friends of mine including me that have a great will to spread the gospel by using young people as me and my friends to so we only need help so we can to that. Are you willing to help to do so? we know for sure that it has a lot of young people in haiti specially in St-Marc the city that I come from that is really in need of the gospel. Get in touch with me if you want to help.

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Reply by jay in Paris @ 19:16 on Apr 23 2007

hi, l'm a member of a french gospel groupe ICC Mass Choir. and we are preparing our tour, pls can you help as to get dates at yo state in DK. pour plus ou


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