Reader Comments for Mary McKee - Bigger Than Any Mountain

These are reader comments for the article 'Mary McKee - Bigger Than Any Mountain'

Reader Comments

Posted by STEPHEN FOKE in UGHELLI,DELTA STATE,NIGERIA @ 00:38 on Apr 5 2011

though everything that humanity possesses, come and go,but the songs of MARY MCKEE AND THE GENESIS will forever remain EVERGREEN. Thay are the LAST OF A DIEYING BREED. pls helpme with the lyrics on LIFE IS FOR LIVING, JUST ONE LOOK

Posted by K.C Oparaocha in U.S.A @ 03:35 on Mar 24 2011

I have been searching the web for Mary Mckee and the Genesis CD with tracks Cast down your care, shattered dream, Lord lifted Me, Try a little kindness etc to no avail. These songs work like elixir to a wearied soul. Love them, love them and I will like to have them in my music collection.

Reply by Rosie in U.S.A @ 06:59 on May 1 2011

I have been searching for Mary McKee too. I bought the plate with a portion of my first teaching salary but through live's journey, I have since lost it. That was the best of Mary McKee. The type of joy I derived listening to the group is beyond description and too much to path from. I finished my Devine Mercy Novena today and the Lord have already reconected me with my favorite gosple music of all times. I will listen to it on Youtube until I find a CD of it from a music store. It is exactly 1am still I can't help myself off this music.

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Posted by princewill Ibeh in Nigeria @ 19:47 on Dec 12 2010

there are songs and there are songs. The songs that mary and the genesis played its like songs that were already existing in the realm of the spirit, a kind of songs the angels will sing to God in favour, worship and adoration, then the angels decided to let man know what a true song should look like and they put these songs in their minds because of their relationship with God the father.

Posted by macrine in Uganda @ 09:08 on Dec 7 2010

I was so blessed by the songs of Mary Mckee and the Genesis in the 80s. I lost track for long and I am so excited to find them again. May God bless them in a very special way. Does anyone know where I can find their CDs in East Africa?

Posted by Adeoluwa in Osogbo @ 11:02 on Aug 3 2010

some are asking where Mary Mckee and her group are, some even ask if they are still alive.

anyway, if they are dead, you'd better go and raise them up. They are much needed alive, their songs have bless countless number of lives all around the world.

their kind of songs is scarce these days.

tell them (Mary and the Genesis) DON'T GO YET.


Posted by John in Nigeria @ 20:39 on May 4 2010

That song is too touchy, God bless the composer

Posted by OKORO GRACE in Abuja, Nigeria @ 09:53 on Dec 9 2009

please where is Mary Mckee and her goup? Are they still functioning cos their songs have touched and won many souls. I have their some of their audios but will to have their cds. Is there any way you could halp me get them, please.

Reply by AUSTIN OBIYO in LONDON @ 20:10 on Feb 8 2010

I think we should form a Mary Mckee and the Genesis club and have sweet fellowship as we used to have it in the 80s, how sweet the presence of God was because we had pure hearts.
I believe that they have finished their ministry and are gone, nothing wrong with that, when a dies he works shall follow him, see what impact they made in our lives, by God they did well, their songs ring on, just because they believed the God of their time.
Congregate here for that old time sake, Austin, london

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Posted by solomon Ngutor K in Jos ECWA Theological Siminary @ 15:02 on Nov 20 2009

I'm a just coming up in the Christian faith and on a very serious note, I take great delight in listenning to old christian worship and poetical songs.
for a while now I've been searching for the lyrics of shattered Dreams and Song Bird by Mary McKee and The Genesis. Is there any way you could help me out?

Reply by EJ. Ezeala in USA @ 03:49 on Dec 19 2009


Here is the lyrics of Mary Mckee 2 albums you requested.


I decided to leave home and family
And leave all the love unknown behind
Never thinking of the heartaches I've encountered
In search of a dream within my mind

It didn't matter when I left who's heart was broken
I didn't care how many tears were cried
I was determined within my heart to have my way now
And seek for the wilder side of life.

Shattered Dreams
Shattered Dreams
Nothing I planned has turned out right
Shattered Dreams
Shattered Dreams
My life without christ is shattered dreams

Heading home now I need my father's mercy
I have sinned and I know I've brought disgrace
I will ask him to forgive me though unworthy
I'II be so glad just to look upon His face

Shattered Dreams
Shattered Dreams
Nothing I planned has turned out right
Shattered Dreams
Shattered Dreams

I hope you will enjoy the music, Solomon.

My life without christ is shattered dreams

(Repeat x 2 times)


Songbird in a golden cage she preffered blue
How I crave the liquor of her soul
Poor bird who has done no harm
What harm could she do
She shall be my prisoner her life long

chorus: My songbird wants her freedom
Now don't you think I know
But I can't find it in myself
To let my songbird go
I just can't let you go

Oh Lord when Your jewels eye peers into my soul
Oh Lord when I am overcome with shame
Tke me Lord and purify
Heal me with the word
Oh I beg a gift I dare not claim

Chorus: My songbird wants her freedom
Now don't you think I know
But I can't find it in myself
To let my songbird go
I just can't let you go

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Posted by Tomilola Omoleye in Lagos @ 18:03 on Oct 22 2009

Please i can i get a full mp3 of all mary mc kee songs.
And also is mary mc kee and her singers still alive?

Posted by ifeanyi in uk @ 22:57 on Oct 8 2008

hi, please where is mary mckee n her group nowadays?hope they are still alive?they,ve used their song to touch many souls.may GODBless the abuntly..i have their one of their c.d.i can give it away to some brothers dat will want it,i will order from abroad.if u want u can contact me.thanx

Reply by oynlola tunde in Nigeria, Lagos, Akowonjo @ 09:39 on Aug 31 2009

I will like to have their cds. I iwll appreciate if i can get them. Thanks

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