Radio Plus

Map showing CoventryThe FM model of community radio that Cross Rhythms started pioneering in February 2002 has had much success. The original station, Cross Rhythms City Radio in Stoke-on-Trent, has continually been awarded licence renewals to broadcast at least until December 2020; favour and support of the CR model has enabled groups in Plymouth and Teesside to broadcast as Cross Rhythms Plymouth and Cross Rhythms Teesside; and on the 22nd July 2008 Ofcom granted another new FM radio licence for a proposed Cross Rhythms Coventry radio station.

In outlining the reasons for the award Ofcom commented on the strength they saw of collaboration with the established Cross Rhythms station: "Serving the Christian population of Coventry, this applicant has useful broadcasting skills and experience at board level and will also collaborate with an established community radio licensee which will provide assistance in developing this service..."

In the two years from the award of the license the group responsible for the Coventry station made a number of decisions that changed the original nature of the collaboration with Cross Rhythms, including a decision not to use the Cross Rhythms Coventry station name. However they pushed ahead and worked hard to establish the opportunity of this station for Coventry, and Cross Rhythms was delighted to commend them for the launch of Radio Plus in late December 2010!

The experience and particular nature of the Cross Rhythms model has so far been able to assist in securing 4 FM licences for Christian community stations in cities of the UK.

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