2013 Annual Report

1.1 Community Radio Annual Report Form: Year Ending 31 December 2013

Station details

Licence Number

Station Name
Cross Rhythms Teesside

Launch Date

Web address where you will publish this report
www.crossrhythms.co.uk/teesside/communityradioannualreports/ 2013annualreport/

1.2 The year in numbers

Please specify the station’s achievements in the year under review in numbers as follows: (some of this may be a repetition of the information supplied in the financial report)

  • Average number of live hours per week (live material is created at the same time as it is broadcast) 0
  • Average number of original programming hours per week (original material includes live plus pre-recorded material, but does not include repeats or automated output). [This figure cannot be less than the station’s live hours alone] 0
  • The percentage of your daytime output that is speech 5
  • Total number of people trained during the year 0
  • Total number of volunteers involved during the year 1
  • Total number of volunteer hours per week 1
  • If appropriate, a list of languages you have broadcast in N/a

1.3 Key commitments: programming

Key commitment delivery YES or NO

  • Weekday daytime output typically comprises 80% music and 20% speech (‘speech’ excludes advertising, programme / promotional trails and sponsor credits). A lesser proportion of speech output is generally broadcast in daytime at weekends and during the evenings and overnight period. no
  • Music output mainly comprises contemporary Christian music with specialist shows including rock, contemporary worship, new independent music, music related to the black church tradition and others. At least 90% of the music played is from Christian artists. yes
  • Speech output includes interviews, presenter-led features, news bulletins, Christian content such as ‘pause for thought’ slots, local travel and weather. yes and no
  • The station broadcasts 24 hours a day. Original locally-produced programming, including live output, makes up 5 hours per day on weekdays, and at least two hours per day during daytime at weekends. The station may take selected programming from Cross Rhythms Stoke on Trent that has content relevant to the local audience. Generally these shows would be in the evenings and at weekends. yes and no

Explanatory notes re non-delivery (if applicable):
24 hour output has been maintained but local live content has not been achieved.

1.4 Key commitments: Social gain and other objectives

Key commitment delivery YES or NO

  • The station caters specifically for the community of Christians in the area through Christian music and programming features with issues which are relevant to them. yes
  • There are programmes to engage with the youth market scheduled at times which best suit the listening habits of young people. yes
  • The station invites a varied cross section of people from our local community for interview on the phone or in the studio to discuss issues and share their views and present various opinions to our listeners. no
  • The station seeks audience responses through telephone, SMS and email, with the opportunity to share these through the radio programmes. no
  • Cross Rhythms Teesside engages with local educational establishments at a variety of levels. It provides access to the radio station for students. no
  • Station volunteers are trained in skills including presenting; production; interviewing; preparing and researching local news and events scripts for voicing. The station trains at least 10 volunteers each year, working with core staff. no
  • The station works with other local community organisations sympathetic to its ethos, to provide and develop work experience and training opportunities for young people. no
  • The station promotes events which unify the local Christian community. no
  • Through programming opportunities it raises the profile of what local churches and Christian groups are doing to support their communities. no
  • Members of the community who are willing to abide by the station’s ethos may be invited to join the management committee. no
  • The station broadcasts on-air promotions to invite involvement from members of the community. The station follows up any interest of offered time with an informal interview at its studios to gauge interest and to reach an agreement over what would be the most appropriate way for them to become involved, including any training required. no
  • The station gives opportunities for individuals and local community groups to have access and involvement such as by providing appropriate programme material. no
  • The station is represented on the Tees Valley Christian Charities Forum, which meets regularly and is comprised of church leaders and charity representatives in the local area. In this way it will remain accountable to and gather feedback from a representative body which covers a good cross-section of its primary audience. Through membership and involvement at regular meetings, the station also gains ideas for content and participation from members of the Forum. yes
  • The station actively invites feedback from its listeners; it does this through a number of avenues including on air promotions, mailshots, and email. The station actively logs any comments received via any of these methods. no
  • All this feedback is presented to the management team for action. The management team will report to the station board of trustees and the Tees Valley Christian Charities Forum. no
  • The station has a published complaints procedure. yes

Explanatory notes re non-delivery (if applicable):
Please see significant difficulties section, below.

1.5 Volunteer inputs

Please provide details of the contribution made by volunteers to the station and its operation of the station, such as:

  • The approximate number of hours worked on average per volunteer per week.
  • Any other information to help Ofcom understand the input of volunteers to the station.

One senior volunteer acting as Company Secretary handling admin and finance issues for about 1 hour per week, and also representing the station on the Tees Valley Christian Charities Forum.

1.6 Significant achievements

The award of the 5 year extension to the licence, and maintenance of 24 hour programming with the support of Cross Rhythms in Stoke on Trent and with support from some of the team at Cross Rhythms in Plymouth. Commitment to see the station survive for the future has been such that non-public funding has been found to keep the station on-air and keep the opportunity open for future development of the station's ability to deliver its key commitments.

1.8 Audience research

Please provide a summary of any audience research/ data you have collected during the year.


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