Amy And Gary Separation

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Monday 1st February 1999

Amy Grant and Gary Chapman seek divorce

THE AMERICAN Christian music world is in shock after a number of newspapers across America have reported that US singing star Amy Grant has left her husband singer Gary Chapman, and is spending time with country music star Vince Gill, recently divorced. At the time of going to press no divorce papers have been filed by Grant or Chapman though Grant conceded in an interview in the Sacramento Bee newspaper that she and Chapman are getting Christian counselling after separating. She told the paper, "This is not an easy time in life. It's not the easiest time to be in the public arena when you're dealing with private things. Like everyone, we're trying to live our lives in our own way, so the less said the better. I wish I could say that everything in life is great, but it's not. My reaction at times like this is to hold my cards close to my chest."

As news of the Grant-Chapman separation began to spread through the American Christian community there was reaction from local church groups. Protests have been mounted outside several of Amy Grant's concerts, which formed part of a Christmas tour across America. Amy Grant has been married to Gary Chapman for 16 years and has three children aged 11, nine and six. CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by Don in U.S.A. @ 20:30 on Aug 24 2011

How sad I was to hear of this news; actually an old friend had mentioned it to me during a phone conversation. It would appear though, that the counseling would not bear down hard enough to keep them together. Due to the fact that, not long afterwards Amy and Vince Gill were seen quite a bit together; and would be married in about 1 year.
I remember an article that quoted Amy saying, "I can't imagine life with any other man than Gary": and
5 years after the printed article they were divorced.
I really believe that GOD brought Gary & Amy together; I really enjoyed their concerts together.
LIfe can be so messy at times, only GOD can clean it
up, if we are willing to let Him do so. The breath of every living thing is in GOD's hands.

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