Fallen Angel

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Tuesday 2nd June 2009

Legal challenge fails to stop distribution of Fallen Angel: The Outlaw Larry Norman

THE FAMILY of Jesus rock pioneer the late Larry Norman have failed in their legal challenge to block the distribution of the controversial documentary Fallen Angel: The Outlaw Larry Norman. After their action had stopped the exhibition of the film in Nashville during GMA week, the film makers have been cleared of the charge of
copyright infringement based upon "fair use" law. DVDs of the film are now being sold on www.fallenangeldoc.com. CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by wardrobe in not important @ 17:12 on Dec 29 2009

Saw the movie several times just to make shire that what i saw was real,honest and proper journaism. My conclusion, it was n't . What hasn't been told in htis film, what was left out and what was deliberately cut and rearranged is what really matters in this film. The part of former friend of Larry beiing sad about his loss of copyrights etc. In the end it is clear that the quarrel is about money. Randy shouldn't have signed a contract in the first place without reading carefully what is in it . But he was as young and wild as Larry himself in those days

Posted by James Conarroe in Opelika, AL @ 00:16 on Jul 10 2009

My feelings for Larry as a friend and Christian artist has not changed nor will change if such accusations prove to be true. I am saddened that some Christian media outlets report these accusations as truth. What would surprise me more than anything else would be if Larry did father a child out of wedlock, then why did he remain silent about it while on his death bed? This does not sound like the Larry I knew. I am extremely skeptical about Jennifer Wallace's claims but in the end, this is a matter for the families involved. I hope this is cleared up and the truth reported especially since this has now become public.

Posted by Christopher Hopper in Clayton, NY @ 15:49 on Jun 2 2009

Despite a family's wishes, people are going to make news about anyone in the spotlight. Sad, but true. I'm not sure what the entire documentary focuses on, but I would hope that Di Sabatinio remembers him well. I felt the promo trailer slightly disturbing as our scriptural example is to remember people as they were under the anointing. Of all people to create a documentary on his leader's failings, it was King David. But his lament at the end of Samuel was anything but critical. "The Beauty of Israel," he calls him. Bottom line: we are called to remember one another as we were under the anointing. True love keeps no record of wrongs, and it grieves me to see a film that does otherwise. Norman Family, I stand with you. And I'm grieved that anything but words of life are spoken about your father, your husband, and your friend. ch:

Reply by brokethru in Philadelphia @ 14:48 on Jun 8 2009

The Bible was clear and plain about King David's failures as well as victories. He was a man whose heart was after God's, but he had faults. I thought that the film was well balanced. It spoke of the genuis of Larry Norman and the great amount of influence he had upon thousands of listeners and musicians. But he was a man of flesh with limitations. Yet God used him in a great way. That gives us all a great amount of hope, that we can be used by God as well.

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Posted by Wolfgang Elste in Germany @ 11:19 on Jun 2 2009

This movie is a shame and I`m sad that some of my all time favourite artists (Randy Stonehill and Michael Roe) are involved in it. I don't like the idea of making controversial movies about christian artist. If you look for it you can find a lot of mistakes, pain and broken marriages. The list of artists where you could make controversial movies about is very long. As a christian, when you have sinned you go to Jesus and to your brothers and sisters and repend. But it says nowhere in the bible that you should make a controversial movie about your brother sisters. If you point one finger at your brother three fingers are pointing at yourself. Movies like this cause pain and confusion and what this world needs is hope and encouragement.

Reply by Wolfgang Elste in Germany @ 16:33 on Jun 12 2009

Brokethru, I'm happy that you find this movie encouraging. Still I'm wondering if this is a fair and good movie why his family wanted to block the distribution of this documentary. They know Larry Norman much better then you and me and David di Sabatino. The problem with storytelling and documentaries like this, where you point at the dark side of a person, is, if someone seeks forgiveness of Jesus and of his brothers and sisters and is forgiven.
his sins are put by God forever in the deepest sea and nobody has the right to bring them back to light again. And you don't know if Larry Norman seeked forgiveness for where he made mistakes and is forgiven. So with a movie like this you make the mistakes of someone somehow timeless and bring them up again and again even if God has forgiven them and put them into the deepest sea. So in my opinion with this movie David di Sabatino didn't destroy the reputation of Larry Norman but his own reputation as a real lover of Jesus Music. If you read interviews with David di Sabatino about this movie you can see that it is kind of a personal revenge against Larry Norman that he brings these things to light. I hope my english is not to bad and you understand what I mean. Wolfgang

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Reply by brokethru in Philadelphia @ 14:59 on Jun 8 2009

I've been a fan of Larry Norman since 1976. Along with the amazing music, there was always controversey and confusion surrounding him. For people of my generation who like Larry, this film brought clarity, and in another way, great encouragement, as we recognize that God can use all of us in spite of our faults, beacuse of His grace.

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