Showing page 35 of 40 1... 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
Last year 1227 car drivers aged 16 to 19 were killed or seriously injured in road accidents. This was out of a total of 11,040 car drivers killed or seriously injured. | |
Social Issues | The Sentinel – 13th July 2005 |
Teenage drivers are 10 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured while behind the wheel than motorists in their 40s. | |
Social Issues | The Sentinel – 13th July 2005 |
In 2004 the total number of deaths on Britain’s roads fell by 8%. But the number of 16-19 year-old drivers and passengers rose by 12%. | |
Social Issues | The Sentinel – 13th July 2005 |
At present the over 50s outnumber the under 16s by almost two to one by 2041 there will be more over-65s than under-20s. | |
Social Issues | The Universe – 17th July 2005 |
The rise in life expectancy means that a man retiring at 65 in 1981 could expect to reach 78 by 2001. This had risen to 81; by 2021 it could be 83. For women at 65, life expectancy is higher; in 1981 it was 82, in 2001 84 and by 2021 it is expected to reach 88. | |
Social Issues | The Universe – 17th July 2005 |
265 of children questioned did not know who was bullying them via their mobile phone. | |
Social Issues | Youthwork – August 2005 |
Half of all text bullying or threatening behaviour happens to young people while they are in school or college. Out of school, text bullying happens mainly after 9pm. | |
Social Issues | Youthwork – August 2005 |
More than one in ten young people admit they have bullied via text message. | |
Social Issues | Youthwork – August 2005 |
One in five young people have been bullied or threatened via mobile phone or computer. 14% of those questioned have been bullied by text message – this is three times more than those bullied over the internet and four times more than by email. | |
Social Issues | Youthwork – August 2005 |
17% of those affected by camera phone bullying (aged 11-19) believe the images were also sent to other people. | |
Social Issues | Youthwork – August 2005 |
One in ten children in the UK have felt threatened or embarrassed by mobile bullying carried out by camera phone. | |
Social Issues | Youthwork – August 2005 |
A new study has found that boys who attend independent Christian schools display higher levels of citizenship than those who attend state maintained schools. The study also indicated that those in Christian schools have higher levels of social concern, personal well being and sexual morality. It is based on findings from nearly 13,000 boys in years nine and ten. 73% were concerned about poverty in the Third World, compared with 64% of other pupils. 62% believed that pornography was too readily available, compared with 40% of other pupils and only 1 in 10 believed they could do nothing to help solve the world’s problems, compared with 1 in 5 of other pupils. | |
Social Issues | Christian Herald – 4th June 2005 |
The number of 11-15 year olds taking drugs in England doubled between 1998 and 2003. 17% of 15 year olds and 6% of 13-14 year olds in England attended NHS family planning clinics in 2003/04. The UK has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe, 40% higher than Portugal in second place. Nearly a quarter (23%) of conceptions in the UK ended in legal abortions in 2000. | |
Social Issues | Crown and Commonwealth – Spring 2005 |
Britons are starting to learn the art of complaining in restaurants, a new MORI survey shows. Most diners (62%) would confront the owner or manager if they thought they had been given food poisoning. | |
Social Issues | The Sentinel – 10th June 2005 |
Up to a million 11 to 16 year olds spend evenings or weekends hanging out on the streets, parks or other public spaces, a recent survey carried out by the charity 4Children discovered. The human rights organisation, Liberty, found that at least 34 of the 43 police forces in England and Wales have authorized 9pm curfew zones over the summer holidays. | |
Social Issues | Youthwork – June 2005 |
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