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A radical overhaul of the UK’s organ donation system is required to boost the number of people given transplant, a report will say today. Dedicated teams to retrieve organs 24 hours a day will speed up the process while the number of transplant co-ordinators should be doubled to around 200, it will say. A task force will set out 14 recommendations to the government which could see a 50% rise in organ donation in the UK within five years. But the controversial issue of presumed consent – which has the backing of Prime Minister Gordon Brown – will not form part of the recommendations from the Organ Donor Taskforce | |
Health | The Sentinel – January 16th 2008 |
Millions of adults have not seen an NHS dentist for 2 years because they cannot find a practice that will accept them. A survey found that 34% of people in England and Wales have not visited a dentist since April 2006 The lack of access to the NHS was the most commonly cited reason, mentioned by 31% of those who have not been to an NHS dentist since that time. | |
Health | The Sentinel – January 16th 2008 |
More than 17,000 people die unnecessarily every year due to poor NHS performance, a study suggested today. The figure was more than five times the number dying in road accidents in 2004. Researchers compared the UK with France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain for the TaxPayers’ alliance report. The looked at “mortality amenable to healthcare” – The number of deaths from certain conditions and at certain ages – that healthcare can reasonably be expected to avert. If the UK were to achieve the same level as the average of other European countries, there would have been 17,157 fewer deaths in 2004, the most recent year for which data is available. | |
Health | The Sentinel – January 18th 2008 |
Mobile phone companies have been warned to cut texting charges voluntarily before new European Union rules force them to do so. The pressure came as a survey showed how mobile phone roaming charges have dropped since European Commission legislation last summer. | |
Money | The Sentinel – January 18th 2008 |
Major food firms will be adopting a single system of nutritional labelling under government plans, which are to be announced today. Health secretary Alan Johnson will unveil a strategy aimed at ensuring shoppers get clear advice about the amount of fat, salt and sugar in their food. | |
Health | The Sentinel - January 23, 2008 |
Young People are binge-drinking at an increasingly early age, with serious consequences for health and crime, according to research released today. A poll of youngsters found 42% started drinking before they were thirteen with 29% saying they drink to get drunk. The national poll questioned 1,250 10-19yr olds | |
Young People | The Sentinel - January 23, 2008 |
A Westminster Priest has called for the growing number of empty buildings owned by the church to be opened up and used for practical purposes such as supporting asylum seekers and homeless people. | |
Social Issues | The Universe - January 13th 2008. |
The number of immigrant children entering England’s secondary schools who are unable to speak English has jumped 50 per cent in two years, figures suggested today. Nearly 2,000 non-English speaking 15-year-olds had their GCSE results removed from official league tables at their teachers’ request, the Government said. | |
Education | The Sentinel - January 9th 2008. |
People who adopt four principles for a healthy lifestyle can add as much as 14 years to their lives. The four “healthy behaviours” – giving up smoking, taking exercise, drinking in moderation and eating five servings of fruit and vegetables a day – can impact on life expectancy, say researchers at Cambridge University. | |
Health | The Sentinel - January 8th 2008. |
Retail giant Marks and Spencer today reported its worst quarterly trading for more than two years, as it is revealed a 2.2 per cent drop in Christmas sales. M & S boss Sir Stuart Rose – Knighted in the new year Honours list – said market conditions became tougher in November and December, as he unveiled the drop in third-quarter like-for-like sales – the groups first in nine quarters. | |
Money | The Sentinel - January 9th 2008. |
During a meeting in 10 Downing Street, Gordon Brown asked church leaders to help the government achieve its poverty targets. One leader at the table was Alliance General Director Joel Edwards, who also serves as international chairman of Micah Challenge, the global movement urging Christians to act against poverty. “This meeting with Gordon Brown was an exciting experience which leaves me very positive for the future,” Edwards said. “Mr Brown has shown commitment to the millennium Development Goals [to halve poverty by 2015] in the past, but it was wonderful to have a face-to-face invitation asking us to work with him on this. | |
World Issues | Idea - January/February 2008. |
The Governments policy on 24-hour alcohol licensing has been a mistake, says a new academic report. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics says tax on alcohol should be raised, and the legal hours for selling alcohol made shorter. Its report points out research showing that binge drinking can be reduced when the availability of alcohol is restricted. In the year that 24-hour drinking rules began to operate, there were 16% more admissions, leading some to blame the extended licensing hours for the increase. | |
Food and Drink | Evangelical Times - January 2008. |
Woodland birds once common across Britain and Europe are declining. Species like the nightingale, lesser spotted woodpecker and wryneck have reduced significantly, says a recent report in the scientific journal Ibis. Bird Population Studies across 20 European countries revealed that some woodland bird numbers had fallen by up to 20% in the past two decades. A third of the 90 forest birds examined have declined since the 1980s. | |
Environment | Evangelical Times - January 2008. |
In Canada a homosexual pressure group has endeavoured to get the diocese of Ottawa to give permission for the blessing of couples in the same sex civil unions. The General Synod of the Canadian Anglican Church has already rejected attempts to secure such blessings, and the final decision must be his as the diocesan synod’s vote in favour was a recommendation only. | |
Social Issues | Protestant Truth - January/February 2008. |
Organisers of the Beijing Olympics sought to quash reports that bibles would be prohibited at this years games, saying that religious texts form personal use are welcome the Associated Press (AP) reported. Li Zhanjun, director of the Beijing Olympics media centre, said texts and items from major religious groups that are brought for personal use by athletes and visitors are permitted. However, a notice on the official Beijing Olympics website explaining entry procedures into the country said that “each traveller is recommended to take no more than one bible into China”. | |
Religious Persecution | Christian Market Place - January 2008. |
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