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Barnardo's has seen its total income increase by 11 per cent to £285.8m, according to its annual accounts for the year 2013/14. | |
Money | Civil Society News - 27th October 2014 |
According to a new survey by Mediawatch-UK 100% of people surveyed had viewed inappropriate content before the watershed, including: violence, sexual activity, racism and offensive language. When respondents were asked whether inappropriate content might have an effect on people’s behaviour, 94% believed that it could. But only 26% of those had actually done anything to express their dissatisfaction. | |
Media | Mediawatch-UK - 15th October 2014 |
The voluntary sector is experiencing a "revolving door" of staff with employee turnover levels at a post-recession high of 22 per cent, according to a People Count Third Sector Report released today by Agenda Consulting. | |
Work/Employment | Civil Society News - 20th October 2014 |
Facebook has started offering female staff up to $20,000 to have their eggs frozen and Apple will pay for its female employees to go through the same process from January. | |
Family | The Telegraph - 14th October 2014 |
In a move this week which has caused incredulity and anger, the new Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has rewritten the guidance on prosecution in cases of suspected assisted suicide. Effectively, doctors and other healthcare professionals may now be able to assist or encourage someone to commit suicide without fear of prosecution provided they do not have a professional care relationship with the patient. This runs entirely contrary to the established guidance which stated that doctors and other healthcare professionals would in fact be more likely to be prosecuted if found to be encouraging or assisting suicide. | |
Crime | CARE Impact Direct - 17th October 2014 |
CARE polling has revealed that 78% of people favour criminalising sex buyers. Just days before Lord Morrow's Human Trafficking Bill was due to be debated in the Northern Ireland Assembly, a CARE poll has revealed overwhelming public support for criminalising those who buy sex. Such a policy tackles demand for prostitution which fuels human trafficking. | |
Crime | CARE Impact Direct - 17th October 2014 |
Christian Bale talks about playing Moses in Hollywood movie When Christian Bale first talked with the Director, Ridley Scott, about playing the role of Moses in Scott's Exodus: Gods and Kings, he went home and rented Monty Python's Life of Brian. He also read the Pentateuch and said the big lesson he took from his reading ‘was how complex a character he [Moses] was. He really was a very troubled and tumultuous man.’ | |
What famous people say | Bible Society - 10th October 2014 |
People who give time to charity will "glow with happiness" for an average of 24 days afterwards, according to a study by the charity Guide Dogs. | |
Social Issues | Civil Society News - 10th October 2014 |
A survey commissioned by Proven Men Ministries in America has shown the following about married Christian men: 55% look at pornography at least monthly 35% had an extra-marital sexual affair while married | |
Sex | Proven Men Ministries - 7th October 2014 |
A survey commissioned by Proven Men Ministries in America has shown the following about middle-aged Christian men (ages 31-49): 77% looked at pornography while at work in the past 3 months 64% view pornography at least monthly 18% admit being addicted to pornography (and another 8% think they may be) | |
Sex | Proven Men Ministries - 7th October 2014 |
A survey commissioned by Proven Men Ministries in America has shown the following about Christian men between 18-30 years old: 77% look at pornography at least monthly 36% view pornography at least daily 32% admit being addicted to pornography (and another 12% think they may be) | |
Sex | Proven Men Ministries - 7th October 2014 |
Research by American Insights has found that 62% of Faith Driven Consumers would watch at least three additional hours of TV or movies weekly if there were more faith-friendly options, 55% say there are not enough options in the marketplace, and nearly 40% say lack of family-friendly options prevents them from going to the movies more often. | |
Media | Faith Driven Consumer - 7th October 2014 |
60 per cent of Conservative Councillors believe it was wrong for David Cameron to pursue same-sex marriage, and 58 per cent believe that legalising gay marriage will cost the Party more votes than it gains at the next election. These are the findings of a ComRes poll of 1,000 Conservative Councillors for the BBC Sunday Politics programme. | |
Politics | CARE Impact Direct - 3rd October 2014 |
The proportion of UK charities reporting no income from gift aid increased eight percentage points to 50 per cent this year, according to the 2014 State of the Not-for-Profit Industry report. | |
Money | Civil Society News - 2nd October 2014 |
The charity shops sector is still growing, but more slowly than before, according to the Charity Shops Survey 2014, published today by Charity Finance and Fundraising magazines. | |
Shopping | Civil Society News - 2nd October 2014 |
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