Bishop T D Jakes - The God of the Night Before

Bishop T D Jakes - The God of the Night Before

STYLE: Christian Teaching
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: 978597593670
FORMAT: CD Teaching Resource
RELEASE DATE: 2008-03-06
RRP: £7.99

Product Description
Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. But how do you hold onto the promise of joy when you can’t see a glimpse of the night to come? Do you keep fighting through the darkness or do you consider giving up?!

In this life changing message Bishop T D Jakes shares how you can be empowered to survive and thrive during periods of uncertainty.

 It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey – discover how the journey can be both challenging and rewarding as the Lord stretches, strengthens and prepares you for the morning blessing that is already on its way.
 This too shall pass – no matter how desperate your circumstances appear to be, here is a reminder that the situation is only temporary and that God is indeed in control.
 He is the God of the night before – Remember that his strength is made perfect through our weaknesses. For we serve a God who wants to walk with us even through our darkest hours.

Reader Comments

Posted by Ethel Bernetta Kelly in whitevill, North Carolina @ 05:59 on May 8 2017

Yes, I completely agree. Even though I know Joy is waiting
for daybreak, the night is long and the enemy will use the waiting game to try and put your faith to sleep with his lullaby lies and try to cast into our minds that Our God is asleep and does not care. I am of the resolve that the night time is what makes the morning so sweet. I am in the middle of my book. Need some help. its a book for deliverance. My gift will make room for me. When I deliver it, it will deliver me.

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