Jesus Fellowship - On The Move: Songs Of The Jesus Revolution 5

Thursday 1st February 1996
Jesus Fellowship - On The Move: Songs Of The Jesus Revolution 5

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 4 4 4 4
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Steven Whitehead

Can't make up my mind about this one. 14 tracks at just over 48 minutes is easy enough to establish. But when it comes to giving it a category and to providing objective criticism I'm not so sure. The title and artwork are reminiscent of the freebies that car manufacturers like to issue as a "come on" to test drive their latest product. The first track, "Spirit Revolution", picks up on this, the introduction being the sound of feet walking across gravel, a car door opening and closing and then the vehicle starting and driving away. So, we're off, 'On The Move'. The track moves along with a sort of pseudo house beat and some strange lyrics. How about "Everybody's talking of a love-buzz moving everywhere" for a curious line? Is this cleverly ironic or just sad? Perhaps the next half of the couplet will help you to make up your mind: "Love, joy, peace and justice all of us can share." Okay, a fine sentiment but is this the best way of expressing it? Likewise, the blurb supplied is sound. Quote: "May you find the Holy Spirit blessing as you listen, with the Lord Jesus Christ being praised." Amen to that - but does it work? For this reviewer, not quite. The musicianship is competent without reaching any great heights, the presentation professional though the inappropriate disco beats and the straining vocals make this release an acquired taste.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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