STYLE: RATING Not Rated OUR PRODUCT CODE: 107298- LABEL: ICC1261B FORMAT: Book RELEASE DATE: 2009-04-14 RRP: £6.95
Product Description
The music book to accompany Spring Harvest's Kids Praise Party Vol. 4 and Pre-School Praise Vol. 4. This top resource features the music scores for ALL songs from the 2009 Spring Harvest Kids CDs, PLUS backing tracks for both Kids Praise Party Vol. 4 (as standard audio) and Pre-School Praise Vol. 4 (as MP3)
Perfect for children's leaders, school and Sunday school teachers, the living room, kitchen, car and wherever kids need spiritual nourishment with a large scoop of entertainment!
Reviewed by
"So you've been to the conference, learnt new songs, bought the T-Shirt and the CD and want to bring the experience back to your church. Kid's Praise Party is the song book that accompanies 'We Wanna Be Like Jesus' and 'Pre-School Praise 4' and comes packed with songs and bonus extras. There are 28 songs in the book, including popular writers Simon Parry, Nick and Becky Drake, Brooke Fraser and Israel Houghton. There are also some golden oldies including "The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock" and "Rise And Shine (Arky Arky)". All of them have been set in easy to play and sing keys. The CD includes backing tracks for all of the songs, which are of a very good quality and would easily replace a band if you didn't have one. This is a good set of songs that will bring a freshness to your children's worship, and will be even more relevant and immediate for those that attended Spring Harvest this year."