Reader Comments for Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple

These are reader comments for the article 'Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple'

Reader Comments

Posted by sista P in LONDON @ 23:37 on Feb 19 2008

so much confusion,.... i have read all of this and to me the most important message here was,.... that each person must read with understanding. Use your resources to discover truth, do not be guided with what you have been told by others.

Haile Selassie is my teacher and my guide, and for those who say he is god, please tell me something,who was Selassie praying to in the churches, blessed love and guidence

Posted by Faggy Juliette bancr in Germany @ 21:31 on Feb 17 2008

Judi keep the good work of the lord going growing up in trench town living at seven street walking from my yard to first street through all the government yard i know Bob I know what he has been thorough I am now 60years i have just accept christ I am so happy to know that Bob had reach out to the lord before he die Judi we will all meet in heaven; To GOD BE THE GLORY AMEN.

Posted by uprising in mauritius @ 09:22 on Jan 23 2008

''emancipate yourself from mental slavery'' that's from the song ''redemption song'', '' I feel like booming a church now that you know that the preacher is lying'' from talking blues, ''they building church and university..deceiving the people continually'' from ''babylon system''. In an inteview bob said '' god is black''. Like Bob,as a blackman I can't accept a white god with blond hair and blue eyes..and the representation of the devil is the black man..can't accept it...God is universal..through Haile Selassie Blackman has gain a new identity and dignity..I can't forget the time when the black slaves and the indians were forced to turned to christianity,,we have lost our religion,culture and ourselves.. rasta culture has changed that..though partly..through christianity they want to make us live like,feel and think like them..what christianity teach you is how much money you must contribute..with your help vatican is becoming one of the richest state in the world..I say no to uniformity..''we refuse to be what they wanted us to be'' Bob Marley said...Someone said above that Bob turned to God in his last days..but Bob has always turn to his every day life..jesus is not the only god...he his only a messenger..JAH RASTAFARI..EVER LIVING EVER FAITHFUL EVER SURE....SELASSIE I THE FIRST....hey baylon don,t try to fool my people..we have seen the JAH LIGHT......

Reply by ange in ny @ 01:34 on Feb 14 2009

in this day and age there are many peoples crying out - be it alone or as a group - they who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved - there is no other name that men cam be saved other than Christ Jesus . salassie had a relationship with the same one GOD Jesus Christ . that is who he worshiped . the blessing of Bob Marley giving his life to Christ is avaiable to all. we have to fulfill the book .. the end says when he returns (Jesus ) his eyes would be like a flame of fire ... his feet like brass ... and all will see ... Salessie was a mere man - flesh and bone like us . Jesus said he would establish his kingdom and it would be without end... sallesie - also a believer in Jesus Christ only had an earthly kingdom for a few years - but he and bob and all those who believe - wait in joyful hope for the end of days and the return of the everlasting GOD Jesus Chrst . be blessed

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Posted by G J Jones in USA @ 00:59 on Jan 23 2008

Thank You For an eye opening article. I love Bob Marley, I love Judy Mowatt

Posted by a. jackson in virginia us. @ 04:59 on Dec 24 2007

I thank God that you have found Christ.
Thank you for sharing your testimony, Bob's conversion was a pleasant surprise to me.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.


Posted by Funmilayo-Adebayo in nigeria @ 11:04 on Dec 3 2007

grettings to u in the name of our lord jesus christ.
pls i would like to get your gospel cds,how do i get them.

yours in the lord

Posted by Sister Renay in montreal @ 18:30 on Oct 31 2007

Does it matter if Bob cried out Jesus name or Haile Selassie? InI see them as one. H.I.M Christ in his kingly character. Jah Bless

Reply by FRANCIS MALINGU NAND in NAIROBI,KENYA @ 11:34 on Jan 29 2008

Its a sure thing to be able to realize that religion is a thing of the mind and heart. For each individual has his / her own beliefs.from that its clear to behold that the central figure of religions is the ressurection. thats why the rasta man say . rasta will live forever and christians know that even though they die they are only resting only to wake up and find themselves in a paradise. So the take here is life continuinity which incorporates all the religions

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Posted by Herms in Montreal Canada Quebec @ 04:31 on Sep 27 2007

I now found out about Judy Mowatt. It is very interesting to know that some one like Bob has receive Christ he has been singing songs from the Bible all his live , you who don't believe are fools because he is in a place of peace and all you people can say I don't beileve . Some of his songs are taken from the psalms so why are you so frighten Heaven is real and so is Hell and he had time to ask God for forgiveness . Praise be to God he has forgiven him , the rest of you are going to hell with your unbelieve and doubt. meanwhile he ask God to take him from the pain. the man is at peace hell fire burns continually there is no peace for the wicked. His songs are up lifted but he need a saviour and he found him at last. Read your bible the rivers of babylon where did you think he get it have a great time reading.

Reply by Angela in North Carolina @ 00:52 on Dec 3 2007

Posted by Herms in Montreal Canada Quebec @ 04:31 on Sep 27 2007

"I now found out about Judy Mowatt. It is very interesting to know that some one like Bob has receive Christ he has been singing songs from the Bible all his live , you who don't believe are fools because he is in a place of peace and all you people can say I don't beileve . Some of his songs are taken from the psalms so why are you so frighten Heaven is real and so is Hell and he had time to ask God for forgiveness . Praise be to God he has forgiven him , the rest of you are going to hell with your unbelieve and doubt..."

TISK! TISK! WHAT WOULD MARLEY SAY? If he was still alive, do you actually think that he would waste his breath passing judgment on his brothers and sisters like you have? I THINK NOT! This brother spent his life uplifting his people in every way possible because he LOVED them. I believe Mowatt's story because they were VERY close! Moreover, I am certain that if the Almighty had granted Marley a few more years on this earth after his illness, then he would have spent his remaining years spreading his new faith. I truly believe this and I am not Christian - nor am I Rasta.


(May the Almighty forgive him of his sins and grant him Paradise.)

"Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again," (Matthew 7:1-2).

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Posted by GABRE MASKAL in NEW YORK @ 22:54 on Sep 13 2007

regagdless of what bob say what do u say? Based on reality and not mythology, What else can u say for mythology teaches of the king of kings but reality or in reality Ethiopia manifested the LIVING AND BREATHING KING OF KINGS LET GO OF RELIGION AND HOLD ON TO TRUTH'S(REALITY).

Posted by ALESHINLOYE-WILLIAMS in germany @ 20:55 on Aug 29 2007

Greetings in the Name of the LORD. I have see the light and the stay with me and this light protect me...Now i will not let weak brothers and sisters to take my blessings away..HIM remain the LORD: JAH protect you all who belive...

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