Reader Comments for Parental Advisory Notice

These are reader comments for the article 'Parental Advisory Notice'

Reader Comments

Posted by melody in Ohio @ 21:22 on Apr 5 2007

I have not heard Oak Park, I'd like to hear it to form my own opinion. I just have this to's one thing to be unique and another to purposely go for "shock value" in things you do. Tonex knew the parental advisory was going to shock he going for sales or souls? As of late, it seems he's more concerend with who's buying. I always was a fan of his music b/c it was tight and unique, but I feel he is compromising his Christian standards. I just read him in an interview talking about we don't have to be singing scriptures and all that stuff...ok, that's true and there's nothing wrong with tackling "real" issues BUT the scriptures are STILL living and that is the basis of our what the deal T? Being a Christian is not boring, but it isn't being concerned with IF we're boring either, it's about obeying and living God's WORD. I know I don't know Tonex personally, and he seems like a nice enough brother, but some of his discomfort with what is traditional bothers me. Trying so hard to buck the standard can open the door for satan to REALLY take you into a different place. My prayer is that he allows his spirit to be more guided by the Holy Spirit. More Jesus--less Tonex! Less all of us!

God bless! :)

Reply by dee in dc @ 05:25 on Oct 2 2009


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Posted by R1ck3y in Cali @ 00:27 on Feb 26 2007

I have the Oak park 92105 from iTunes and than I also have some songs that from that album not released on the iTunes version and than I also have the Oak Park 921'o6 album which is in Family Christian Bookstores right now!!!

as for The Blairtree Road song i am listening to it rite now thats a real deal deep song man

Posted by Kyle in Ohio @ 04:26 on Nov 3 2006

Man yall its cool the albums IS gospel and there is NOTHING bad on it but it does deal with real subjects like masturbation and drugs and therefore parents should be advised before they let there kids listen. I think its very responsible of him!!! But that being said this is one of the best albums I have EVER have heard it for almost two years now and I still love it!!! It is worth the purchase and it is actually in stores now with a couple added songs so go cop this man mos def....INK SET fa life!!!

Posted by R1ck3y in LA @ 09:33 on Oct 21 2006

Yo I also have Tonex'z new Oak Park 921'o6 and I love it for tha dude who wantz tha blairtree road song you wont be able 2 find it on any cd

Posted by Oladele Oshinibosi in London @ 13:08 on Jun 2 2006

Hey Tonex ,

whats up men , a lot of youths look up to u ..whats this parental advisory stuff.Keep it real and keep the gospel music going . somebody tell me his tonex's new album GOSPEL ... or his one of tonex uniqueness .Bless him anyway. We still you.

Posted by Shaun Burke in Chesapeake, Va @ 00:27 on Feb 18 2006

I've been trying to find this cd for the longest. Does anyone know where I can buy it? And I was also looking for a song called "Blairtree Road" by Tonex. Is that on Oak Park too? If you have any info, lemme know

Reply by Elisheva in Chicago, IL @ 01:16 on Oct 10 2006

You can find Tonex's first version of Oak Park on iTunes. He's just released a new update of the album with new track that is available at Family Christian Stores:

I have the version thats available on iTunes. It's excellent! Don't be put off by the parental notice.
He's not "cussing" and all of that, he just deals with some adult content--tastefully.

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