Reader Comments for Howard 'Slim' Hunt 1935-2007

These are reader comments for the article 'Howard 'Slim' Hunt 1935-2007'

Reader Comments

Posted by kevin wiggins in capitol hts maryland @ 02:06 on Mar 14 2007

i met Rev Hunt at the recording of the canton spirituals live in D.C. his ministry through song has inspired me for years being that goldsboro is my fathers home town it makes me feel even closer to my brother GOD Bless his soul and we will meet again

Posted by Cassandra P Snipes in Mebane, North Carolina @ 21:34 on Mar 13 2007

Slim was a fine man and a superb singer. His music really touches your soul. May God continue to bless the family and I'm sure that while here on earth, Slim got his blessing.

Thank God for your music.

Cassandra P Snipes

Posted by Sis. Riles in Houston, Tx @ 14:21 on Mar 12 2007

My husband and I was deeply sadden to hear about "Slim's" passing. His ministry had a great impact on our lives and the people of Houston, Tx. We never missed the Gospel Explosion Concerts as we knew "Slim" always had a word through his song. Not only did he sang, but he preached! We loved it! His last words to the world was "JUDGEMENT". He always preached about gettin' your house in order, because Jesus is coming. That was his message. We will miss you Slim, but we know you are where you always sang about.........and that's in your "Father House" where there are many mansions. We pray for his wife and the group that God will give them guidance and strength to continue on his work.

Posted by Elder Tim Williams in Iraq @ 20:40 on Mar 9 2007

I grew up in Goldsboro, N.C. and loved Slim and the Supreme Angels. I use to listen to their rehearsals down the street from my house on Virginia St.; sometimes across the street at my friend's house(John Lane Jr.) his father and Slim was good friends. Slim and his music had a great impact on my life. I never missed a performance at the Tabanacle on Guiley St. in Goldsboro. I had the chance of being on program with the Supreme Angels, as a memeber of the Gospel Gents. He was loved and will be truly missed. My prayers are with his family, God Bless!

Reply by BRO.DAVIS @ 04:37 on Aug 11 2007

elder tim i grew up in goldsboro too and i remember when slim use to live on virgina st. and he will certainly be missed. theres nothing like that old gospel i remember like it was yesterday going to see slim at the tabanacle and going to wilson at the ball park to see slim and willie neal johnson and the gospel keynotes,mighty cloulds of joy, and all those old groups.but homeboy you be blessed and safe and thanks man for sacficing for this country i don`t take it for granted and i will keep you and your famliy in my prayers and i hope you come home soon!GodBLESS!!! Bro. Davis

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Posted by Walter Hines in Virginia Beach, Viarginia @ 16:54 on Mar 9 2007

Elder Hunt will surely be miss, and right now like the song the group sang, Slim has gone on the Promise Land, where I surely hope to meet him there one day

Posted by rev matthews in chicago ill @ 16:24 on Mar 8 2007

Slim i will miss the good singing that you put god in my life i will see you in heaven

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