Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by CF @ 21:02 on Aug 27 2012

My Brother look at what God has done in the life of our Bros. Sheryl & Benny Hinn, Remarriage is not adultery, and if God forgave the woman caught in the very act, why nor forgive yourself & accept His grace. His Favor/Grace is new & most powerful than you could ever imagine. On the other hand God Himself said it is not good for man to be alone. He is the same then, now & forever. Your Covenant with God & your family is more important than any other matter, lean on Jesus & the grace He offers.

Posted by pastor henry atkinso in san. antonio tx. @ 17:08 on Aug 21 2012

ask God to remind you of the Grace that he put in you , and get up and keep on going on for JESUS. It is all about him ,also don't forget him the Holy Spirit he will get you and your wife the help you both need,after all he is our Helper . praying for both of you ,your brother in Christ pastor Henry Atkinson

Posted by Kate Snyder in New York, USA @ 00:24 on Aug 20 2012

Please repent and return to your lifelong one-flesh covenant wife. That is what restoration and repentance means. Living in adultery won't minister LIFE to others. That life is JESUS CHRIST alone, and He said remarriage is adultery.

Posted by Ralph in Pennsyl @ 04:23 on Aug 10 2012

Terry your ministry is For his Glory,
God is glorified through you, he is
a good God. He has not ,nor ever wil stop
Loving you .continue to do what he
has anointed you to do, Terry WORSHIP..
him .Praying for you and your family.

Posted by JOSEPHINE MURCIA in MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA @ 21:31 on Aug 8 2012

I cannot help but go back to the Bible and read how God
forgave David, and how Jesus told the accusers of the woman who was caught in adultery and was brought to Jesus to question Him as to what He thought should be done with her. So His answer was: "HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE" and everyone left, one by one. Those who point fingers at a fallen leader I ask: Have they never sinned? Are they perfect? Instead of making a fallen leader an outcast, the entire Christian community should pray and help restore him lest not God look upon our own sin and cast us out of His presence.

Posted by Rachel Govindasamy in South Africa @ 05:31 on Aug 2 2012

Dear Terry
Please ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you a root of this spirit that is tormenting your soul as you worship the God who set you apart to bring honour to him through worship. Once you identify it and lay the axe to its root, you will be restored to the throne room of grace releasing the glory according to Hab. 2:14. I love your music.

Posted by Jeanette Hernandez in new york city @ 19:41 on Jul 26 2012

Dear Terry, i have followed you for a long time. I am blessed by your music and the anointing on the songs. Please forgive yourself and ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you and move on. Get help and get restoration. The music you have written has minister to me in so many ways, you must not give up. Jesus loves you and the enemy is like a roaring lion, wanting you to stop the good fight. Please find it in your heart to forgive because i know the lord loves you. You are precious and you write songs that matter to the heart. God bless will be praying for you.

Posted by ernie in england @ 20:02 on Jul 13 2012

saddened by your revelation, the pain that you and gretchen feel-- i know what it feels like, though mine was not marital, took a number of years before my wife and i being restored, to be forgiven by my wife, for trust to begin, the lord eventually brought us through.
god bless you both.

Posted by ato in dublin @ 05:57 on Jul 10 2012

Come on Terry.God knew you would fail long before He chose you,anointed and commissioned you into ministry,yet he did...because he knew there was something called grace and restoration.nothing you did shocked him.He loves you...never can stop loving you!Terry,there are more songs to be written,more souls to draw to the Throne Room in worship...there is work to be done...dont walk away.get back up and let us finish the race.i love you.

Reply by celso rebello in india @ 13:28 on Aug 5 2012

i was reading ur comment... and i thank the Lord for bor like u... so lets pray for brother Terry.

[report abuse]

Posted by Esther in Kenya @ 19:15 on Jul 9 2012


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