Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by MJQ in Cuero @ 15:15 on Jun 20 2012

You are a truely a blessing. What happened was horrible, but we have a loving forgiving God. Don't give up because our ABBA FATHER never gives up on us. Look at King David, he was a vessel after in God's heart because he knew how to stay in worship for the King of Lords, he also was in a huge mess of things; even murder. Don't let the enemy come and steal what God has planned for you. Remember, it was the 'Worship' that our Lord God released Satan. This is why he fights us in the worship.He will always attack the 'Worshippers.' So just come to the Master's Throne for He is waiting for you. And may God restore and heal everyone in this situation. We are living in the last days, let us not only continue our race, but let us finish it in a legacy of His kingdom with a mighty blow as the shofars will blow the sounds of Heaven. Do Not listen to people that are not helping you; you just stay FOCUS on Him. SHALOM my friend in Christ.

Posted by Margaret Fleming in Lakeland,Fl @ 20:22 on Jun 13 2012

I was priviledged to listen to you today for the first time and the anointing on you is so great you can't quit my prayers are with you and your wife and family and the person that you were involved with outside of your covenant wife. You all need the Lord now more than ever and He is faithful I don't know you but I wept for you when I saw this today.

Posted by Roberta Larosch in Salem, NJ @ 15:39 on Jun 13 2012

My brother: For all have sinned and come short of the Glory Of God....I know I have been on the All have sinned part and everytime God brings me back into right standing wth him. I am listening to your holy and spirit lead music this very minute and I my heart weeps for the missing sound that God has given to part of the body of Christ, I forgive you your traspasses. His word says if we forgive others, He will forgive my brother you are forgiven..You are graven in the palm of His hand. In His Love...

Posted by ria in South Africa @ 23:37 on Jun 8 2012

God forgives us. i have found healing in my heart worshiping with your music. the hurt from divorce. i have become close into the throne room with your music. do not allow the devil to destroy what your purpose are. God is a good God. He loves you just as much.

Posted by R.D.P. in Indiana @ 02:27 on May 31 2012

Your music brings restoration to abused victims, reminding souls of God's faithfulness...I have stood in similar shoes as you .....we all have in our lives if honest....Terry...lovest thou me?....Jesus ask his disciple...satan can imprison with deceptive pleasures and then wreck havoc upon your soul with guilt intending destruction....BUT NONE CAN SNATCH YOU FROM THE FATHER"S HAND, NO SIN, nothing can separate you from the love of God....he waited patiently for my return....and I am thankful I went through all I did introduced me to a different God then I had ever known. The God of grace forgiveness unconditional love my worst hour of darkness....I found the greatest love..and yes, I was a longterm christian in christian ministry.....when I ran into my whale in have the key to the chains that imprison you....GOD IS ABLE !!!! Terry our time is short here on earth....when you face your running the race set before you......don't run away.....break the chains, use the key.....Praying for you !

Posted by charis in Auckland new zealand @ 07:08 on May 29 2012

please terry do not give up because the lord know's
your heart . and may God bless you and your family.
from Charis . 12 year's old..........

Posted by S A Samasoni in Auckland New Zealand @ 21:26 on May 28 2012

Terry my bro We've never met or see each other.But in times like this PLS sing & keep on singing for Jesus Christ .THE VICTORIOUS LAMP OF GOD .He had never quit or failed us on that cross.I pray for you .ps;Many lost souls IN HELL wants to have this only chance of worshiping THE ALMIGHTY GOD AND JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

Posted by Millicent in Long Island, NY @ 08:39 on May 28 2012

Oh Wow Terry
I am so saddened to hear of what happened to you. God wants you back Terry. I found out about what happened from my pastor and he asked me to pray for you. I had thought the affair was over and you were reconciled to your Greta. Don't let satan get you Terry. Repentence is always available to you. Look what God did for David. I am still blessed by your worship music, especially Holy Holy Holy Are You Lord, my absolute favorite. May God lead you from this wilderness and restore you in Jesus' Name

Posted by jeannette balom in trenton,nj @ 19:01 on May 11 2012

you just cant cant cant...your music so anointed and so beautiful ,,, even the instrumental music without words is so anointed it peirces my heart and brings tears to my eyes and puts me in wonder of "OUR GODS" wonder and omnipotence. Gods gifts are without repentance .. so we can't retire. All Gods children sin and err at the faith...For He that says he has no sin is a one sin is greater than another when God says all unrighteousness is sin... I am a worship leader...I listen to you before I go and stand before the Lord and His people to minister...I Love yoi in Jesus name...You just cant stop or quit Terrry...."YOU JUST CAN'T...I am praying for you... Let him that stole steal no more, Trenton, New Jersey

Posted by Robert kiprono in Kenya @ 18:09 on May 10 2012

Terry, NB,there is no one who is righteous,no not one, but you can repent and be restored because time is over the advent of the lord has drawn nigh. Prepare ye the way.

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