Reader Comments for Fallen Worship Leader

These are reader comments for the article 'Fallen Worship Leader'

Reader Comments

Posted by Junior in Navajo Land, @ 21:59 on May 6 2012

Terry get up brother! Now is the time to ARISE! Sing, Pray, Fast and Praise! Surely, we have been created for such a time as this! When, I seen some of your Worship? I know, "Surely this man Terry, is after GOD's, Very Heart!
During my struggles where I have fallen short? I question, whom am I? That this KING, would die for my sins? PERFECTION, at HIS Finest, came and took my debts away!!
You just don't know how your form of Worship, carried me. A boy from the Navajo Resevation.
Thanks for showing me? How a Man, who knows the Grace and Love, no matter how short we come, can come into the presence of Worship to ALMIGHTY ABBA!!
It is all about SOULS, SOULS, SOULS!!

Posted by Diane Rytima in Dallas @ 21:14 on Apr 18 2012

Terry, please know that even though we fall, Gods grace is there. Worship is priceless in leading us into the presence of the Lord and if you were successful in doing that, then it is a given that the enemy will attack. But thru worship the Lord can also bring healing. Look at David and how God still used him. He had a heart after worship and God used him. Our prayers are with you brother as the Lord heals. Forgive yourself.

Reply by Ann H in Placerville, Ca @ 20:40 on May 9 2012

My heart breaks as hear of this brother's fall. God loves him so very much. The enemy goes about like a roaring lion, but we serve the Lion of Judah. Satan "appears" to take people down who have a special anointing. I pray Terry will once again be restored to his Savior and his Lord. I have been restored.

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Posted by Mauritz sihombing in indonesia @ 07:23 on Apr 18 2012

Terry, I love you, Jesus loves you,
(If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action. 1john 1:9]. God bless you

Posted by Char in Indiana @ 16:04 on Apr 12 2012

Terry, God said that we must forgive others, but that forgiveness needs to apply to ourselves as well, otherwise we give satan an opportunity to destroy the plan and purpose for which He called us. Know that you cannot "out sin God's forgiveness. Don't let the devil tell you that your sin is greater than God's forgiveness.

I know the struggle you are going through, but let the Hand of God pull you back up on your feet. The world needs you more than you know. Don't let satan rob us of the songs of praise that God has given to you. David committed the same sin, but God forgave him and continued to use him for His glory. Know that Jesus suffered for this very hour in your life; receive His forgiveness as you received His Son-in faith!

Your songs of praise will only be more powerful now because of your understanding of His love and forgiveness.

I will sing songs of joy when I hear that you have returned with a vengence against satan, and put him under your feet where Jesus says he belongs.

Posted by Jenny Jasko in NJ @ 00:43 on Mar 27 2012

I knew Terry when he was a teen at 1st A/G in Lexington Ky. I prayed for you then with your mom and I am still praying now. God loves you and He weeps for you. Nothing in this world is worthy the temporary pleasure, look to the eternal, that what lasts! Come home = the Father's arms are outstretched to you !

Posted by Gary Jones in Asheville NC @ 17:41 on Mar 25 2012

Thank you for being a chosen vessel of the Lord. What an annoiting and a great service. Many people were healed and set free. God bless You!

Posted by Jack from Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe @ 13:32 on Mar 20 2012

Terry your music has touched Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Rwanda,Algeria,Nigeria.Iraq and places you cant imagine yourself.Even the in dusty streets of the most poorest and violent streets your music gives hope.
Please dont let go, for through your music many of us sinners have repented and many Christians have been strengthened in faith.

Posted by ELISHA in BAHAMAS @ 13:35 on Mar 19 2012

terry I am 68 years of age I have been a christain for 17 years I have listen to praise and worship music for about that same amount of time,and on group or person makes me feel like you must rember that we are in a sinful world and the only person that did not sin was JESUS,

Posted by Mubiru Francisco in Uganda @ 05:47 on Mar 15 2012

man of God, don't let let Satan pierce your heart with sorrow and self-condemnation. I made this mistake of running away from God after I'd made a tinny mistake(sin). That only made me worse, cause with time the convictions didn't matter to me as before since I got used to sin which had grown to higher degrees, until I came across a gospel which believed that God sees me righteous because of Jesus, regardless of my actions. Henceforth, I had to confess that I am pure, righteous everytime I 'sinned'- sin had become a habit. These confessions renewed my mind and I conformed to those utterences with time. God bless you. Go to Him as a son, cause you still are, and not as a worship leader cause your mind will tell you that you don't measure up to it. I love you brother.

Posted by RANDY in SANTA CLARITA, CA. @ 06:39 on Mar 13 2012


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