Reader Comments for Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?

These are reader comments for the article 'Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?'

Reader Comments

Posted by Nick in Adelaide @ 07:40 on Aug 22 2008

Very disappointing - especially on top of Tod Bentley's fall last week. We forgive the sinner, but can't forget the 100s or 1000s of 'potential' Christians who will never come to the faith because of these poor testimonies, and the many who will give up on the faith here and in Florida.
Top down leadership in churches (elevating position and power), rather than a priesthood of all believers has caused this problem.
We recently joined an emergent-type church where everyone simply shares a meal together and contributes ( and we will never go back to this!

Posted by Janelle in Perth @ 06:55 on Aug 22 2008

Thanks Mal,
Every word you wrote is also my prayer. My first response was that I felt sorry, and my heart hurt for Mike and his family. I pray that as we all pray together for all those concerned that God's love will shine out. We are his people and the sheep of his pasture everyone of us. When that lost sheep was found he was cared for and brought into the fold as one. That should be our response. Thanks again for your words.

Posted by Michelle in Vic,Melbourne @ 06:53 on Aug 22 2008

I was there when he said that to me and all my friends, now to hear this makes me sick and cry that he told soo many kids aged 11-18 and he asked them to help him with the cost of money and all and because us young people belived and gave so much money.

Reply by Cathy in SA @ 15:54 on Aug 22 2008

Dear Michelle
What you and your friends gave and did for Mike… will be blessed by the Lord because you did it out of the sincerity of your heart and believed what he said was true.
Now, Mike is the one who is responsible to the Lord for the lie he told you and the Lord will deal with him as He thinks is best.
You don’t give up believing in God because He is the only one you should be putting your trust in and He will heal your hurt also.
God will bless you in return.
Don’t be discouraged. Put your Trust in God and not in Man.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in man (Psalm 118:8 NIV)

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Posted by Mihael McCoy in Perth @ 06:35 on Aug 22 2008

Mal, your comments are right on the mark. The reality is that many "great men" of the Bible who were used mightily by God also had very serious moral and personal failings--David, Samson, Moses, many of the disciples also. This is a reminder to me of our humanity. Situations like this enable us to truly understand that "who can know his own heart?" revealing an even greater need for a Saviour. Questions will need to be asked and answers given, but I suspect the song "Healer" will perhaps have even greater meaning for the church and its author after the storm settles.

Posted by Nathan Finochio in Toronto, ON, Canada @ 06:18 on Aug 22 2008

Well said, Mal.

I believe church leadership need to take this a step further and NOT build a monument to Mike's mistake.

I heard of a large church here in Canada that made an announcement regarding the mishap at their music practice, and then broke up into small groups to "pray for each other" because people were "wounded".

Give me a freaking break.

If people are wounded it's because they're guilty of idolatry. They've become "of the world" and allowed themselves to worship humanity like the rest of the "American Idol/Rockstar" society.

Jesus never built a monument to Peter's denial. He restored Peter, and did so lovingly and publicly.

What's worse? Getting caught up in a lie, or denying Jesus publicly THREE TIMES?

Bottom line, we've created a church culture of inertia, and because of our self-propagating emphases, we hurt ourselves when leaders goof up.

Let God build; this is another beautiful piece of His redemptive life-art, made of broken things-- a mosaic of mercy kept in memory's museum, to remind us of God's ability to create something from nothing.

Posted by Christy in Christchurch @ 05:48 on Aug 22 2008

Grace - unmerited favour.
Who are we to say that one person is 'better' than the other?
Christ is still Christ.
Christ came to cover ALL sin.
Who are we to judge?
God. Loves. All.
God. Forgives. ALL.

Posted by Hmmmm... in Perth @ 04:24 on Aug 22 2008

I agree that this is a great article. Well balanced and reassuring for those who are shocked and asking questions. In times of trouble, we band together, not seperate our wounded. Saying that, as an outsider to this situation, please don't allow this situation to be all about forgiveness and moving on. We need to stop, reflect on how this has happened and why it has happened. This guy represents so much of what youth ministry is about in Australia and we need to make sure that we soberly assess what this all means. I;ve know Mike in the past and know that he is a great guy, but I still think the question of why he choose this path is essential.

Posted by Ruth in Melbourne, Australia @ 04:05 on Aug 22 2008

Most of us will never have our most intimate moments splashed over the world like Mike and his family have. I would not for a moment want to be in their shoes and have only to say I am praying for them all. It must be a terrible thing to go through and as so many have said - we have all done things wrong - its easy to point the finger - lets respond with praying for those who are suffering the most in all of this - Mike and his family and close friends. But for the grace of God there go we. Well written article Mal!

Posted by vange pana adelaide in s.a @ 03:05 on Aug 22 2008

I am sad by what i have seen, and pray for mike and all close to him. But also pray that satan does not destroy peoples faith. As someone once said, I AM A GREAT SINNER BUT HE IS A GREATER SAVIOUR. AMEN. LOOK UNTO JESUS BROTHER.

Posted by michelle webber in australia @ 02:24 on Aug 22 2008

Once again , we need to ""Turn our eyes upon Jesus"" Please keep looking xxoo

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