Reader Comments for Tom Howard: From Jesus music pioneer to behind-the-scenes virtuoso

These are reader comments for the article 'Tom Howard: From Jesus music pioneer to behind-the-scenes virtuoso'

Reader Comments

Posted by Anne Berkowitz in Fresno, CA @ 07:22 on Jan 30 2010

I just found out tonight that Tom passed away suddenly from a heart attack while on a hike with his wife Dori. We will miss Tom and his beautiful music.

Posted by Michael Stone in Longview, WA @ 05:42 on Jan 30 2010

The legacy of music that Tom Howard blessed the world with will live on and continue to bless many for a long time to come. My prayers are with his wife, Dori, his daughter, Katie, and his son, Joseph, as well as all of his family and dear friends, during this difficult time. Tom Howard is now experiencing the ultimate music while seeing JESUS face to Face! What a joy that must be! We will miss you, Tom, but are thankful that your music lives on with us. God is good.

Posted by Bill Ewin in Nashville TN @ 02:36 on Jan 30 2010

In case you folks haven't heard, Tom Howard, who has been asst Music Director at St Batholomews Churcc in Nashville, died today (Jan. 29,2010) of a massivev heart attack. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Posted by Sydney Bush in Santa Barbara, CA @ 11:11 on Aug 25 2009

I am trying to find the collection of Christian piano pieces by Tom Howard in the out-of-print book "Colors." My friend, Allison, lost her home in the recent "Tea Fire" in Santa Barbara. The fire spread so rapidly that the family could grab only a few items before having to flee for their lives.

Allison had played several selections from "Colors" during the memorial service for her 15-year-old daughter, Alyssa, who had died of a brain tumor in 2006. Of course, all of her piano books burned up, but this book was especially meaningful to her.

Do you have any idea where I could possibly locate a copy of this book? I have been trying every online resource I could think of, but to no avail.

Thank you for any assistance you could give, as this family has suffered heavy losses over the past 3 years.

Thank you,
Sydney W. Bush

Reply by Gary B. in Garden Grove, CA @ 12:52 on Mar 12 2010

Please visit the link below to preview samples of the hopefully soon-to-be-published: "The Tom Howard Solo Piano Songbook" which will feature the complete and unabridged notation of several of Tom's songs from his first two solo piano albums: "The Harvest"(1985) & "Solo Piano" (1987). If accepted for publication, a percentage of sales proceeds would be intended to go to Tom's family.

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Reply by Gary in Garden Grove, CA @ 10:11 on Feb 27 2010

Are you still looking? If so, I may be able to help...
please contact me at: the

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Posted by John Riley in Minneapolis, MN @ 22:45 on Jul 15 2009

I found the Danger in Loving You LP on Amazon's website & in the product description, it says that Tom had a crippling cocaine addiction. Can this be true or is this misinformation on the internet?

Reply by John Riley in Minneapolis @ 22:04 on Jan 20 2010

I figured it was wrong - glad to hear the truth. I still remember when you played @ my home church in our youth room in the 70's in Norwood, Mass. Hope you are doing well. Thx for clarifying.

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Reply by Tom Howard in Nashville, TN @ 07:38 on Dec 30 2009

Wow, that's a weird one! I have never, nor will I ever, ingest cocaine. I've never done drugs of any sort, with the exception of an occasional ibuprofen tablet for a headache.

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Posted by Chuck Brown in Columbus, OH @ 23:19 on May 22 2009

Thanks for this great interview, Mike. I've been a huge fan of Tom's instrumental music for many years. I liked his vocal stuff OK, but the instrumental stuff is where he really speaks to me. I haven't actually counted, but I probably have as much of his stuff on my iPod as any other single artist. I, too, wish he had a web site so I could easily stay up-to-date on any new releases he might put out. I don't really listen to much Christian music anymore, so I'm afraid I'd miss it. It was great to see him in the new Fallen Angel movie, although the subject matter was a little sad.

Posted by Chris Stanfield in Atlanta, Ga @ 16:02 on Feb 7 2009

I, too would like to reach out to Tom and send an email. Does anyone know how to reach him? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Mary Robertson in Idaho Springs, CO @ 02:20 on Jan 25 2009

Hello there. I enjoyed your article about Tom Howard. I have tried to locate a web site where I could email Tom. I am his former sister-in-law and would love to reconnect with him. I lived with Tom and his former wife, my sister Becky, in Santa Cruz in the early 70's.
Mary Robertson

Posted by Mark Murphy in Preston, Maryland, USA @ 05:11 on Nov 29 2008

Great article. It's too bad Larry N. died. We lost a cutting edge soldier. Like Randy Matthews he was one of the first to create a truly crossover music that unabashedly pointed to Jesus as Lord. Back then many evangelicals were saying Christian Rock was invented by the devil. So why not a song, "Why should the devil have all the good music?" Listening to the Trilogy still invokes a depth of faith and feeling for the Gospel that is lost on many of today's young evangelical Christian rock bands.

I think Solid Rock took a hit from the enemy as Christian contemporary music did in general by the schemes coming down from the label companies and marketeers. They were wolves in sheep's clothing and did a lot of damage to replace true creativity and refined worship with watered down culturally acceptable stuff. The true Christian artists found it even more difficult to earn a living as the sheer volume of lifeless bands were given CD space on the Christian bookstore shelves.

Christian radio did not do the real artists any favors as the vast majority of the new stations cropping up were sponsored by that white glove Christianity that's afraid to speak out and minister to the youth with quality stuff. Most of Christian radio in America is still handcuffed by narrow mindedness.

More power to Tom Howard because somehow he managed to survive.

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