Reader Comments for Vocal Changes

These are reader comments for the article 'Vocal Changes'

Reader Comments

Posted by Loretta & Gene Cates in San Antonio, Texas @ 13:48 on Jul 19 2009

We had the opportunity and pleasure to see all
the concerts here in San Antonio with the Gaither
Family--and came to dearly love Guy Penrod--I
remember when he sang backup at the Grand
Old Opry - his voice is awesome - and we wish
him all the luck and happiness in the world- May
God richly bless Guy & his family as they start a new
journey for God---and hopefully one day, he will
come to San Antonio for a concert - I know that
the Gaither Vocal Band will continue to grow and
serve the Lord.

God Bless You
Loretta and Gene Cates

Posted by Arnaldo Rosa in Luquillo, Puerto Rico @ 03:07 on Jul 13 2009

In this highly commercialized christian music business it is hard to find a singer as humble as Guy. We need more like him: singers not wanting to show off or just to sell.

Posted by Dorothy Nelson in Orlando Florida @ 23:59 on Jul 3 2009

My heart is broken !! I will miss Guy..I am happy to see him move on for God, but the GvB will NEVER be the same..

Posted by Lynn Holladay in Manning S.C. @ 17:59 on Jun 25 2009

I was so sorry to hear that Guy Penrod left the vocal band,I will miss watching him sing on tv,he was a great singer.Hope he will return one day.

Posted by Anne Morris in Forest, Ontarion @ 03:00 on Jun 20 2009

Guy... having followed the GVB and the Gaithers for several years, you were the best addition it ever had. We will miss you, those of us who have enjoyed your 14 years with them. Please, do come this way ... to CANADA, specifically to Ontario. You are more than welcome to come an sing solo at our church any time!

I'll have some home cooked meals waiting for you and the family.

God bless you all.

Posted by Georgia Doty in Belmont, Ohio @ 10:36 on Jun 18 2009

Sammy Smith must be wacky. I love Guy Penrod and his glorious voice. Would love to hear him in person, but for now, I'm happy all of the songs are on my PC.

Posted by Sammy Smith in Oklahoma @ 19:07 on Jun 15 2009

Singing about the Lord while looking like a 70's hippie really turned me away from this group ! Glad he is gone

Posted by Ellen Viau in Augusta GA @ 22:13 on Jun 8 2009

So sorry to see Guy Penrod leave the group. Changes
are part of the life experience, but even tho' the 5-part close harmony is great (barbershop and big band
sound) it cannot match country gospel. Wishing all well. Ellen Viau

Posted by Ruby Johns in Denver Colorado @ 04:26 on Jun 5 2009

I want to follow your career, Guy..and I'd love to be able to see recent pictures of your family... 7 sons and a daughter, the last I heard.

I loved the program where Bill Gaither interviewed you and your family at your farm.

Please tell me where I can get that information about your career and your family

in Jesus' love,
Ruby Johns.

Reply by Angela Tatom in Savannah, Georgia @ 19:30 on Jul 19 2009

I too am a die-hard fan of Guy Penrod and will be a follower when I can find out his schedule. I love his family as well and would like to keep up with their growth and development... would love to hear they are performing with Guy! If you find out how to follow this blessed family, please share the info.

[report abuse]

Posted by Charles in indonesia @ 11:56 on May 26 2009

What???? How can it be??
I am a big fan of guy. He's a real servant of God, full of Holy Spirit. I miss to hear his voice. Listening to his voice, the way he sings, fill my heart with hope. but I believe God has made a way for him. I'm missing you, guy..

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