Reader Comments for Vocal Changes

These are reader comments for the article 'Vocal Changes'

Reader Comments

Posted by Gay Ann in Waynesboro, VA @ 07:24 on May 24 2009

Just like everyone else, I was shocked when I learned of Guy's departure. I feel sure that Guy had 2 great consultants when making this decision - God and Angie, in that order. You never know he may return one day to the Vocal Band. As we know, that does happen. I too would like to know why Marshall Hall left. I loved his voice and could feel the annointing on him also. He just glowed when he sang. If anyone knows anything about Marshall or his schedule, please le me know. My prayers and best wishes go out to both Guy and Marshall and their families

Posted by Ann in Texas @ 16:33 on May 15 2009

I will miss Guy very much, but the greatest voice of my lifetime...David Phelps is coming back. This will mean I get to hear more of him and he truly has the most amazing vocal ability that I have ever heard. Hope Bill puts David front a center more often.

Posted by Samantha Caasi in Philippines @ 11:43 on May 15 2009

And God Bless u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Posted by Samantha Caasi in Philippines @ 11:34 on May 15 2009

Dear Guy Penrod i like your belt and your voice i am the first fan of Gaither Vocal Band and did you saw the Tica Family? That sang Reuel,Christine, Debbie and Denise...
Debbie and Denise are my cousins

Posted by sally in ohio @ 21:55 on May 11 2009

I loved listening to Guy sing, and his big beautiful family and the relationship we have seen in the video's between guy and his wife and their children, has been as much a blessing as his singing.I pray for the best for all of them. I am sure Guy will do wonderful things on his own. He is so gifted. I will be watching his successes, and will pray for God's blessing on him and his wife and family.

Posted by Mirte in South Africa @ 09:31 on May 11 2009

I love Guy Penrod and I understand why he would want to go solo and w3ish him great luckand know that he will be a blessing and a success whereever he may go. Guy we want to see you in South Africa.

Posted by Joan in Richmond in Richmond, VA @ 23:20 on May 7 2009

Please tell me where I can find out more about Guy Penrod, what's he doing now, 'how he is doing and
does he have a website. I am sure a lot of people would like to find out. I really miss him singing with the Gaither Vocal Band, but how he and his family are doing. Everyone is concerned because we can't find out anything. PLEASE!

Reply by lanna barnett in Idaho Falls, idaho @ 01:32 on Jul 27 2009

This is a comment in response to all the postings about Guy. I hae been sick since hearing he no longer is with the GVB. He always said 4 voices are better than one and did not want to go solo. That makes me wonder what really happened. I will miss him so much. We don't get the concerts back here in the West like you guys in the East and South. I will probably never see him again.

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Posted by Judy in Florida @ 20:01 on Apr 28 2009

I, too, was devastated that Guy left GVB...but I understand and respect his decision. Just in case anyone is interested, his first solo concert is Aug. 30, 2009 in Branson, MO...and I already have our tickets!!!

Posted by LaVerne in North Carolina @ 04:41 on Apr 28 2009

This change of personnel is going to give us a new sound that I feel sure will be just as inspiring and the previous GVB. I appreciate the joy I experience when I am listening to them sing. With the talent Bill has in selecting voices for blend, I am sure this new group will be fine. I join so many others with best wishes for Marshall and Guy.

Posted by Don in Akron @ 19:37 on Apr 24 2009

My family has been Gaither fans since Gaither Trio and Henry and Hazel Slaughter days. We just went to the Gaither Concert in Cleveland, and while it was a wonderful concert Guy was definitely missed. Michael English may have a wonderful "solo" voice and I am not sure he is now GVB style. I must say that it was wonderful to hear David Phelps again. He has an unbelievable voice. GVB is missed as a true quartet!

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