Reader Comments for Vocal Changes

These are reader comments for the article 'Vocal Changes'

Reader Comments

Posted by Beverly Rodgers in Barberton, Ohio @ 19:53 on Apr 20 2009

I think that Guy Penrod has one of the most annointed voices of anyone I have ever heard. He is so annointed by God and it just radiates from him. I
was so heartbroken myself when I learned that he had left. I like everyone else can do nothing but wish him and his family the very best. I don't think that the
Gaither Vocal Band will ever have the dynamic spirit
that it has had since Guy was with them. He just
added so much to it. I can see why he would want
to go solo though and with his talent I know that
he will be a blessing and a success whereever he
may go.

Posted by Jo in Minot ND @ 15:59 on Apr 1 2009

I was absolutely shocked to discover Guy's departure from GVB although I wish him the best with a solo career. I got the chance to see GVB in Bismarck a few years ago and that was an amazing experience! Guy has an amazing voice that blended so well with everyone else in GVB. You can see the joy and peace in him as he sings.

Posted by Dawn in Michigan @ 04:08 on Apr 1 2009

I miss hearing Guy Penrod singing. His love for God shone through his voice. My life experienced a major change due to my husband leaving me and our children. Listening to Guy sing the wonderful songs of praise is what has gotten me through. Luckily I have the videos and DVD's with him. As for the new group I just don't feel the same passion for God in their voices. Guy, you are missed and I will be forever grateful to you for getting me 'Through".

Reply by Tina in England @ 09:05 on Jul 1 2009

Hi Dawn, I know what you mean. My children and I were also left by my husband. I have only recently started listening to the Gaithers and the music has blessed my children and I so much.
Guy is awesome but the new line up will be awesome too.

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Posted by Marion Burgess in Capac, Michigan @ 00:01 on Apr 1 2009

We are all creatures of habit, and when you enjoy something you don't want it to go away. Guy was a light in this dark world, an example that could be followed.
We need to give him the space to go where God is leading him and his family, he has given so much to all of us.
God Bless both you and Marshall and all the talent He has given you .

Posted by Susan carpenter in Tampa fl @ 20:59 on Mar 28 2009

My husband and I will miss Guy and Marshall. They added so much to the GVB. They are both great soloists but blend so well singing with the quartet. My concern is the Michaels do not blend well with the group. I can pick up their voices when they are singing a song that is a blend. I am very concerned how this is going to sound.

Posted by janet in oklahoma @ 01:44 on Mar 25 2009

i amonly 19 years old but i love guy i followed him to austin texas to get a chance to meet him but found out that he was taking a break. so my dad said we could try and meet him when he came here to oklahoma it was last thursday night at the concert that i found out he left the band. i still would like to meet him someday i was so upset that when i found out he wasnt going to be there i cried so if anyone has any info about where and when he is sining i would love to know

Posted by Joy Brown in Dickinson, TX @ 16:17 on Mar 20 2009

I am so sorry Marshall Hall is no longer with the Gaither group. Why in the world would Bill Gaither want 2 tenors - why not one and keep Marshall. All I can say is, "Wes, you better watch your back!

Posted by jill stauffer in boyertown, pa @ 16:04 on Mar 20 2009


Reply by sandy in west virginia @ 03:29 on May 6 2009

sorry to hear about Guy leaving but glad that David Phelps is back. By the way what is Candy Christmas doing these days I miss her singing, she has a great voice. Love the Gaithers

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Posted by Joyce Kirkland in Grand Prairie, Tx @ 23:47 on Mar 19 2009

I was in total shock when I learned that Guy had left the GVB. I immediately called my aunt as she has kept up with Gaither for many years and we both, together with my husband are in disbelief. However we know that the new band will do a good job and will continue to watch them on TV and on DVD's. Guy is just a great singer and Christian man. We listen to Gaither music at least five times a week.

Posted by Audrey in Kingston, Jamaica @ 21:44 on Mar 16 2009

I have enjoyed listening and watching GVB for a very long time, Guy is my favourite, I will surely miss him, may God continue to bless him and his family.

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