Reader Comments for Marilla Ness: How a 50 year old housewife became Catholic music's biggest star

These are reader comments for the article 'Marilla Ness: How a 50 year old housewife became Catholic music's biggest star'

Reader Comments

Posted by Sylvia in Sydney australia @ 05:10 on Jun 13 2012

I first bought as tape in my country hometown from a bible book shop I loved the song what colour is the wind and many more and i jsut felt so close to my Saviour while listening to her songs and i still do she has been sent form Gpd and God approves and she dresses so beautifully sHe is a woman of GOD!

Posted by Anthony Christopher Tutty in England @ 15:54 on Feb 10 2012

I just could not believe what i was listening too when i heard Marilla singing for the first time. I had to stop what i was doing to listen to some more of her singing and it took me quite a while to get going again.
I, for one am committed to make it my buisness in finding out more information regarding her music.
A voice like that is a gift from God.
God Bless .

Posted by Eddie Chastain in Fitchburg, Mass., U.S.A. @ 14:55 on Mar 28 2011

Marilla is a true blessing from Heaven. For some strange reason Catholics are afraid to Praise & Worship God in song with our hands lifted up towards heaven; but with Marilla singing, one can't help not too. I am a great fan of music from the 40's & 50's, and when I had a car, I would play "my music" which was loud & fast, but I noticed that I would also start driving too fast; so I changed my CDs from rock & roll to Marilla and I found that I slowed down and the drive was much more enjoyable. Marilla, please stay true to your calling. God bless.

Posted by Charles Casey in United States @ 19:52 on May 13 2010

My wife and I have loved Marilla's music from the first time we heard her on EWTN network. Hearing each song is a worship experience, a "thin place," and we want more of her on EWTN. We are trying to find out how to get her DVD's and CD's in America. More people here in the "States" need to hear her. She is so refreshingly scriptual in her singing. More!

Posted by (Mrs) Chrissie Russe in Kent, England @ 21:11 on Mar 5 2010

I just love all 25 CDs & both DVDs (&same videos), I have the whole of Marilla's songs for the 'Lord' and about the Lord, and all the Bible readings are very helpful usually followed by a wonderful, beautiful song, and so many of Marilla's songs are quotes straight from the Bible which aids me in memorizing the Word through the tunes. She has a really lovely God-given gift in being able to sing as she does, and all the words are audible to mealthough I use a hearing aid, she is very clear, and I can hear all the words. She really has helped me in my Christian life.

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